Changes in Varnish 7.6

For information about updating your current Varnish deployment to the new version, see Upgrading to Varnish 7.6.

A more detailed and technical account of changes in Varnish, with links to issues that have been fixed and pull requests that have been merged, may be found in the change log.

Changes applying to most varnish-cache programs

The environment variable VARNISH_DEFAULT_N now provides the default “varnish name” / “workdir” as otherwise specified by he -n argument to varnishd and varnish* utilities except varnishtest.

Programs attaching to varnishd’s shared memory are now performing more precise status checks of the varnishd process. They should in particular better detect restarts of the process. This comes with signal-based liveness checks that can be disabled when VSM_NOPID is exported to the environment of utilities like varnishlog, varnishstat or varnishncsa.


A new linux jail has been added (configured via the -j argument) which is now the default on Linux. For now, it is almost identical to the unix jail with one Warning if tmpfs is not used added.

The port of a listen_endpoint given with the -a argument to varnishd can now also be a numerical port range like 80-89, besides the existing options of port number (e.g. 80) and service name (e.g. http). With a port range, Varnish will accept connections on all ports within the range.

Backend connection queuing

A feature has been added to instruct backend tasks to queue if the backend has reached its max_connections. This allows tasks to wait for a connection to become available rather than immediately fail. This feature must be enabled through new global parameters or individual backend properties:

  • backend_wait_timeout sets the amount of time a task will wait.

  • backend_wait_limit sets the maximum number of tasks that can wait.

These parameters can also be set for individual backends using the wait_timeout and wait_limit properties.

Tasks waiting on a backend going sick (either explicitly via the backend.set_health command or implicitly through the probe) fail immediately.

Global VSC counters have been added under MAIN:

  • backend_wait counts tasks which waited in queue for a connection.

  • backend_wait_fail counts tasks which waited in queue but failed because wait_timeout was reached or the backend went sick.


The backend_wait_timeout and backend_wait_limit parameters have been added, see Backend connection queuing above for details.

The size of the buffer to hold panic messages is now tunable through the new panic_buffer parameter.

Changes to VCL

The wait_timeout and wait_limit backend properties have been added, see Backend connection queuing above for details.

For backends using the .via attribute to connect through a proxy, the connect_timeout, first_byte_timeout and between_bytes_timeout attributes are now inherited from proxy unless explicitly given.


Additional SessError VSL events are now generated for various HTTP/2 protocol errors. Some HTTP/2 log events have been changed from Debug and Error to SessError.


VSC counters for waiters have been added:

  • conns to count waits on idle connections

  • remclose to count idle connections closed by the peer

  • timeout to count idle connections which timed out in the waiter

  • action to count idle connections which resulted in a read

These can be found under WAITER.<poolname>..

The MAIN.backend_wait and MAIN.backend_wait_fail counters have been added, see Backend connection queuing above for details.


varnishtest now supports the shutdown command corresponding to the shutdown(2) standard C library call.

Changes for developers and VMOD authors

VDP filter API changes

The Varnish Delivery Processor (VDP) filter API has been generalized to also accommodate future use for backend request bodies:

VDP_Init() gained a struct busyobj * argument for use of VDPs on the backend side, which is mutually exclusive with the existing struct req * argument (one of the two needs to be NULL). VDP_Init() also gained an intmax_t * pointer, which needs to point to the known content length of the body data or -1 for “unknown length”. Filters can change this value.

struct vdp_ctx lost the req member, but gained struct objcore *oc, struct http *hp and intmax_t *clen members. The rationale here is that a VDP should be concerned mainly with transforming body data (for which clen is relevant) and optionally changing (from the vdp_init_f) the headers sent before the body data, for which hp is intended. Some VDPs also work directly on a struct objcore *, so oc is provided to the first VDP in the chain only.

Generic VDPs should specifically not access the request or be concerned with the object.

Yet special purpose VDPs still can take from VRT_CTX whatever references they need in the vdp_init_f and store them in their private data.

Consequent to what as been explained above, vdp_init_f lost its struct objcore * argument.

VDPs with no vdp_bytes_f function are now supported if the vdp_init_f returns a value greater than zero to signify that the filter is not to be added to the chain. This is useful to support VDPs which only need to work on headers.

Object API changes

The ObjWaitExtend() Object API function gained a statep argument to optionally return the busy object state consistent with the current extension. A NULL value may be passed if the caller does not require it.

Other changes relevant for developers

VSS_resolver_range() as been added to libvarnish to implement resolution of port ranges.

The implementation of the transit_buffer has now been made the responsibility of storage engines.
