Upgrading to Varnish 6.6

In general, this release should not come with relevant incompatibilities to the previous release 6.5.

VCL should continue to work as before except when rather exotic, partly unintended and/or undocumented features are used.

Header Validation

Varnish now validates any headers set from VCL to contain only characters allowed by RFC7230. A (runtime) VCL failure is triggered if not. Such VCL failures, which result in 503 responses, should be investigated. As a last resort, the validate_headers parameter can be set to false to avoid these VCL failures.

BAN changes

  • The ban_cutoff parameter now refers to the overall length of the ban list, including completed bans, where before only non-completed (“active”) bans were counted towards ban_cutoff.

  • The ban() VCL builtin is now deprecated and should be replaced with std.ban() and std.ban_error()

Accounting Changes

Accounting statistics and Log records have changed. See Accounting for details.

VSL changes

The -c option of log utilities no longer includes ESI requests. A new -E option is now available for ESI requests and it implies -c too. This brings all log utilities on par with varnishncsa where the -E option was initially introduced.

If you use -c to collect both client and ESI requests, you should use -E instead. If you use -c and a VSL query to exclude ESI requests, the query should no longer be needed.

Other VCL Changes

  • The resp.proto variable is now read-only as it should have been for long, like the other *.proto variables.

    Changing the protocol is an error and should not be required.

  • Trying to use std.rollback() from vcl_pipe now results in VCL failure.

  • return(retry) from vcl_backend_error {} now correctly resets beresp.status and beresp.reason.

Changes to VMODs

Many VMODs will need minor adjustments to work with this release. See Developer: Changes for VMOD authors for details.
