LTS time frame for Varnish 6.0.X?

Erik Wasser ewasser at
Thu Sep 5 07:52:25 UTC 2019

On 04.09.19 16:36, Pål Hermunn Johansen wrote:

> Hello,
> ons. 4. sep. 2019 kl. 15:40 skrev Erik Wasser <ewasser at>:
>> I've read the posting "Varnish Cache 6.0.2 LTS released"
>> (
>> from Dridi Boukelmoune and I'm asking myself about the time frame of the
>> announced LTS version. How long will Varnish 6.0 be supported?
> The 6.0 LTS will be supported for a while after the next LTS is
> announced. I can't find an official number, but I am pretty confident
> that the overlap will be at least six months.

Thanks for the info. Good to know that about the release cyclus.

> I would, without a doubt, switch to 6.0. By now, the current 6.0 is
> just as new as 6.1 and maybe also 6.2, with all the back ports which
> have been done. We will also continue to back port fixes, and even
> some features, to 6.0.
> Are there any fetures in 6.2 or master that you need? Are there any
> problems with 6.0, that you run into?

My clients are LTS orientated, not feature orientated. They're 
interested more in a long term solution ("we can use Varnish in Version 
X for Y years") than looking for a specific feature ("we need feature A 
from Version B").

Currently I'm not aware of any problems with 6.0 or 6.2 so I can choose 
between them. And that brought my to my inital question of the LTS 
support of 6.0. I think we switch to Varnish 6.0 to avoid VSV00003.

Thank you for your support.

Viele Grüße,
Erik Wasser

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