IP & X-Forward-for

Erik Torlen duja at torlen.net
Thu Jan 31 22:01:02 CET 2008


Im experiencing a strange problem when using varnish in front of apache2.
I m running a php website where I log the client IP to the usertable in 
the database.

I first check the Client IP to see if it is a valid IP, if not, I check 
the "x-forward-for" for a valid ip (I check for multiple IPs in 
If neither client ip or x-forward-for contained a valid ip, it returns 
the client ip (in most cases

The strange thing is that I get alot of IPs that comes from 
which means that x-forward-for is NOT set.

This is the log from varnish:
81.224.31.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:09 +0100] "GET - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:09 +0100] "(null) (null) (null)" (null) 
(null) "-" "-"
backendserver - - [31/Jan/2008:19:52:09 +0100] "GET
81.227.81.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:09 +0100] "GET - - [31/Jan/2008:19:52:11 +0100] "GET
217.197.62.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:11 +0100] "GET - - [31/Jan/2008:19:52:11 +0100] "GET
85.229.6.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:11 +0100] "GET - - [31/Jan/2008:19:52:11 +0100] "GET
85.229.6.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:11 +0100] "GET - - [31/Jan/2008:19:52:12 +0100] "GET
83.233.193.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:12 +0100] "GET

Why does it have so many connections from and why is the date 
an hour late?
It also got a "connection" from "backendserver" which is the name of my 
backendserver in the vcl config.

The logfile from apache2 shows me this whit the same connections:
81.224.31.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:08 +0100] "GET
81.227.81.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:09 +0100] "GET
217.197.62.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:11 +0100] "GET
85.229.6.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:11 +0100] "GET
85.229.6.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:11 +0100] "GET
83.233.193.xxx - - [31/Jan/2008:20:52:12 +0100] "GET

No connections in this logfile. Is the connections 
from apache2 when varnish fetches the object from back their?

Im not sure if these logentries say enough about my problem. I will try 
to find some more entries that could show some more about the issue.

I appreciate all help I can get on this one.

/ Erik

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