AW: Varnish munin plugin trouble

Norman Leutner n.leutner at
Fri Jul 17 11:04:20 CEST 2009

Hi Kristian,

Your're the one who wrote that plugin...
Thanks for that great price of code.

Thanks for the hint, it's been the PATH...

env.varnishstat /usr/local/bin/varnishstat

works fine now.

I found a small mistake in your plugin, when using multiple varnish installations on a server:

645 $arg .= " -l $varnishname";
should be
645 $arg .= " -n $varnishname";

-l # Lists the available fields to use

Have you ever thought of writing a plugin which catches the most 
frequent requests passed to the apache server?

Norman Leutner
all2e GmbH
Enterprise Content Management

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