100% Transparent Reverse Proxy

Justin Finkelstein justin at redwiredesign.com
Mon Jul 27 13:35:41 CEST 2009

Hi Ryan

We use varnish for proxying one of our larger websites and we had a
similar problem with IP addressing when we first installed it. To get
the correct IP address, you need to add the following varnish

sub vcl_recv {
    remove req.http.X-Forwarded-For;

It looks a bit non-sensical but it worked for us!

All the best,


On Sun, 2009-07-26 at 12:10 +0800, Ryan Chan wrote:

> Hello,
> I have serveral web sites running on Apache/PHP, I want to install a
> Transparent Reverse Proxy (e.g. squid, varnish) to cache the static
> stuff. (By looking at expire or LM resposne header)
> However, one of my requirements is that neither client (browser) or
> server (Apache/PHP) is aware of existences of that proxy.
> E.g.
> Client will not see header such as via, age etc.
> Server will not see header such as X-Forwarded-For
> I want to ask: Is it possible to do the above stuffs using varnish?
> Thanks.
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