Memory spreading, then stop responding

Michael S. Fischer michael at
Wed Jul 29 03:04:52 CEST 2009

On Jul 28, 2009, at 3:09 PM, Rob S wrote:

> Michael S. Fischer wrote:
>> On Jul 28, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Rob S wrote:
>>> Thanks Darryl.  However, I don't think this solution will work in  
>>> our
>>> usage.  We're running a blog.  Administrators get un-cached access,
>>> straight through varnish.  Then, when they publish, we issue a purge
>>> across the entire site.  We need to do this as there's various  
>>> bits of
>>> navigation that'd need to be updated.  I can't see that we can do  
>>> this
>>> if we set obj.ttl.
>>> Has anyone any recommendations as to how best to deal with purges  
>>> like this?
>> If you're issuing a PURGE across the entire site, why not simply  
>> restart Varnish with an empty cache?
>> --Michael
> Because Varnish is also working for other hosts which don't need  
> purging at the same time...

My company gets around this madness by versioning its URLs.  It works  
pretty well.


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