Cookie validation with varnish?

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Wed May 20 11:28:42 CEST 2009

In message <4A13C176.6020202 at>, Simon Kammerer writes:

>Web application sets cookie for user authentication, varnish acts as 
>reverse proxy in front of dedicated image servers and checks if the 
>cookie send by the user is a valid cookie set by the web application.

I would love to extend VCL to allow such stuff to be done, but right
now my focus is on persistent storage.


PS: We are happy to hand out "wiki" bits (drop me an email), so
people can add ideas to our "shopping list" wiki page:

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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