varnishd -C

Ken Brownfield kb+varnish at
Thu Nov 12 05:01:24 CET 2009

varnishd -f /path/to/your/config.vcl -C

This will compile your VCL into C and emit it to stdout.  It will show prototypes for all of the VRT interface accessible from VCL, the structs representing your backend(s) and director(s), and the config itself.  The wiki is a little misleading (and -C isn't otherwise documented AFAIK): it's not a document per se, but it's extremely useful when writing inline C -- hunting down VRT definitions in the code is no fun.

On Nov 11, 2009, at 7:19 PM, I I wrote:

> In the web of official varnish ,
> there is some C variable names used in VCL.but when I type the command "varnishd -C",nothing return .and when I enter the website command to the VCL,error return like this
> "Running C-compiler failed, exit 1
> VCL compilation failed"
> what I neet to prepare for  this  ?

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