how storing objects for a given time, regardless of expire info from back-end?

Dirk Taggesell dirk.taggesell at
Tue Apr 13 18:31:27 CEST 2010

On 13.04.10 17:26, Marco Walraven wrote:
> Since you are running 2.1.0 (as you stated in a previous mail) you are running into 
> some VCL changes.

thanks for clarifying this. I already suspected it.

> 'obj.* is now called beresp.* in vcl_fetch, and obj.* is now read-only'
> So try 'set beresp.ttl =7200s;'

Thanks, this at least doesn't throw errors at me and varnish runs.
I also appears to not check the back-ends any more when items are
already in the cache :)

mit freundlichen Gruessen
Dirk Taggesell
Systemadministrator Proximic GmbH

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