Problem with case-insensitive (?i) regex

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Mon Dec 6 08:34:25 CET 2010

]] Per Buer 


| +In Varnish 2.1.0 Varnish switched to using PCRE - Perl-compatible
| +regular expressions. For a complete description of PCRE please see the
| +PCRE(3) man page.

You probably want the pcresyntax(3) or pcrepattern(3) man page.

| +To send flags to the PCRE engine, such as to turn on *case
| +insensitivity* add the flag within parens following a question mark,
| +like this:::
| +
| +  if ( ~ "(?i)$") {
| +          ...
| +  }

Yup, looks good to me.

Tollef Fog Heen
Varnish Software
t: +47 21 98 92 64

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