Child panics on OpenSolaris

Paul Wright wrighty+varnishmisc at
Wed Feb 17 11:30:29 CET 2010

On 16 February 2010 20:48, Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at> wrote:
> OK,
> It took me a day to liberate a machine to install OpenSolaris on.
> Then it took most of a day to remember why I really like FreeBSD
> over Solaris.
> Then I got distracted by the failing non-blocking connect to backends
> and ran truss.
> Then I found the root-cause of the problem.
> We need CFLAGS to contain -mt on solaris, otherwise errno does not
> get macro-fied to be per-thread.
> That's where the: EBADF comes from, some entirely different
> filedescriptor a long time ago, in the master process...
> try:
>        env CFLAGS=-mt sh configure

Thanks so much for looking into this.  I spent yesterday attempting to
get some useful debug information out of dtrace with little success -
I either ended up with megabytes of debug dumps or empty files
depending on my D script.  Not exactly successful.

I've compiled with the additional -mt flag, here's my current
compilation process:

make clean
CFLAGS="-m64 -mt" CC=/opt/SunStudioExpress/bin/cc  ./configure --prefix=/opt
make install

And I'm starting up with:

newtask -p highfile /opt/sbin/varnishd -f /opt/etc/varnish/firebox.vcl -F \
-p cc_command='/opt/SunStudioExpress/bin/cc -Kpic -G -m64 -o %o %s' \
-T \
-s malloc,1G \
-p sess_timeout=5s \
-p max_restarts=12 \
-p waiter=poll \
-p connect_timeout=0s \
-p sess_workspace=65536

Varnish seems to be a *lot* happier and panics less regularly.  Panics
now all seem to suggest the error is "Connection reset by peer"
instead of EBADF

child (14052) Started
Child (14052) said Closed fds: 3 4 5 9 10 12 13
Child (14052) said Child starts
Child (14052) died signal=6
Child (14052) Panic message: Assert error in TCP_nonblocking(), tcp.c line 172:
  Condition((ioctl(sock, ((int)((uint32_t)(0x80000000|(((sizeof
(int))&0xff)<<16)| ('f'<<8)|126))), &i)) == 0) not true.
errno = 131 (Connection reset by peer)
thread = (cache-worker)
ident = -smalloc,-hcritbit,poll
  447adb: /opt/sbin/varnishd'pan_backtrace+0x1b [0x447adb]
  447de5: /opt/sbin/varnishd'pan_ic+0x1c5 [0x447de5]
  fffffd7ff181e6da: /opt/lib/'TCP_nonblocking+0x8a
  41924e: /opt/sbin/varnishd'vca_return_session+0x1de [0x41924e]
  4276ea: /opt/sbin/varnishd'cnt_wait+0x2ea [0x4276ea]
  42ccd6: /opt/sbin/varnishd'CNT_Session+0x526 [0x42ccd6]
  44a7ef: /opt/sbin/varnishd'wrk_do_cnt_sess+0x1bf [0x44a7ef]
  449d62: /opt/sbin/varnishd'wrk_thread_real+0x882 [0x449d62]
  44a315: /opt/sbin/varnishd'wrk_thread+0x135 [0x44a315]
  fffffd7ff653acf5: /lib/amd64/'_thrp_setup+0x8d [0xfffffd7ff653acf5]
sp = 1742b68 {
  fd = 40, id = 40, xid = 0,
  client =,
  step = STP_WAIT,
  handling = deliver,
  restarts = 0, esis = 0
  ws = 1742bd8 {
    id = "sess",
    {s,f,r,e} = {17438e0,+19,+32787,+65536},
  http[req] = {
    ws = 1742bd8[sess]
      "Accept: */*",
      "Accept-Language: nl-be",
      "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1;
      "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate",
      "Connection: Keep-Alive",

And I'm also seeing the same error occur in http_copyheader() - could
this be due to the Range: aspect of the client request?

Child (12008) died signal=6
Child (12008) Panic message: Assert error in http_copyheader(),
cache_http.c line 647:
  Condition(n < to->shd) not true.
errno = 131 (Connection reset by peer)
thread = (cache-worker)
ident = -smalloc,-hcritbit,poll
  447adb: /opt/sbin/varnishd'pan_backtrace+0x1b [0x447adb]
  447de5: /opt/sbin/varnishd'pan_ic+0x1c5 [0x447de5]
  440791: /opt/sbin/varnishd'http_copyheader+0x1c1 [0x440791]
  4423b1: /opt/sbin/varnishd'http_FilterFields+0xdc1 [0x4423b1]
  429c4d: /opt/sbin/varnishd'cnt_fetch+0x11fd [0x429c4d]
  42cf3a: /opt/sbin/varnishd'CNT_Session+0x78a [0x42cf3a]
  44a7ef: /opt/sbin/varnishd'wrk_do_cnt_sess+0x1bf [0x44a7ef]
  449d62: /opt/sbin/varnishd'wrk_thread_real+0x882 [0x449d62]
  44a315: /opt/sbin/varnishd'wrk_thread+0x135 [0x44a315]
  fffffd7ff653acf5: /lib/amd64/'_thrp_setup+0x8d [0xfffffd7ff653acf5]
sp = 397bf38 {
  fd = 56, id = 56, xid = 1848010778,
  client =,
  step = STP_FETCH,
  handling = pass,
  err_code = 206, err_reason = (null),
  restarts = 0, esis = 0
  ws = 397bfa8 {
    id = "sess",
    {s,f,r,e} = {397ccb0,+900,0,+65536},
  http[req] = {
    ws = 397bfa8[sess]
      "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5;
en-GB; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6",
      "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
      "Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5",
      "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate",
      "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
      "Keep-Alive: 115",
      "Connection: keep-alive",
      "X-Moz: livebookmarks",
      "Cookie: user_session=XXXX;
      "Range: bytes=2494-",
      "If-Range: "14b800b-678d-47fc841cd4140"",
      "Cache-Control: max-age=0",
  worker = fffffd7ff7017d30 {
    ws = fffffd7ff7017e78 {
      id = "wrk",
      {s,f,r,e} = {fffffd7ff7005c40,+323,0,+65536},
    http[bereq] = {
      ws = fffffd7ff7017e78[wrk]
        "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5;
en-GB; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6",
        "Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5",
        "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate",
        "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
        "X-Moz: livebookmarks",
        "Cookie: user_session=XXXX;
        "Range: bytes=2494-",
        "If-Range: "14b800b-678d-47fc841cd4140"",
        "X-Varnish: 1848010778",
    http[beresp] = {
      ws = fffffd7ff7017e78[wrk]
        "Partial Content",
        "Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 10:03:18 GMT",
        "Server: Apache",
        "Last-Modified: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 09:13:01 GMT",
        "ETag: "14b800b-678d-47fc841cd4140"",
        "Accept-Ranges: bytes",
        "Content-Length: 24015",
        "Content-Range: bytes 2494-26508/26509",
        "Connection: close",
        "Content-Type: application/xml",
    vcl = {
      srcname = {
  obj = 7202020 {
    xid = 1848010778,
    ws = 7202040 {
      id = "obj",
      {s,f,r,e} = {7202225,7202225,0,+220},
    http[obj] = {
      ws = 7202040[obj]
        "Partial Content",
        "Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 10:03:18 GMT",
        "Server: Apache",
        "Last-Modified: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 09:13:01 GMT",
        "ETag: "14b800b-678d-47fc841cd4140"",
    len = 0,
    store = {



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