SV: LRU moved object but still memory to spare

Lars Jørgensen ITLJ at
Thu Nov 4 10:28:03 CET 2010

Hi Tollef,

Sorry for topquoting, but using Outlook at work, so..

Anyways, thanks for your reply. Since I have no LRU nuked-entries in varnishstat, things seems to be working as intended.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Tollef Fog Heen [mailto:tfheen at] 
Sendt: 4. november 2010 08:44
Til: Lars Jørgensen
Cc: 'varnish-misc at'
Emne: Re: LRU moved object but still memory to spare

]] Lars Jørgensen 


|       257738          .            .   N LRU moved objects
|   1924911104          .            .   bytes allocated
| 126924107776          .            .   bytes free
| The LRU counter is increasing steadily, but the server has ample
| memory to spare. Why do LRU objects gets thrown out of the cache? Or
| am I misunderstanding that counter?

LRU moved just means the LRU list has been updated.  LRU nuked means
they're removed from the cache, so yes, you're misunderstanding the

Best regards,
Tollef Fog Heen
Varnish Software
t: +47 21 98 62 64

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