file vs malloc

Chris Hecker checker at
Sat Nov 27 09:33:42 CET 2010

My guess on "-s file" is that a lot of users might be like me, which is 
to say I'm using varnish to take the load off httpd for a few vhost 
websites on a single wimpy machine, but I don't have insane traffic or 
anything, it's just that varnish is sooo much more efficient than httpd 
that it still makes sense.

Not sure if the survey could separate out the user types and correlate 
the cache type with those types, but it might be interesting.


On 2010/11/26 07:41, Angelo Höngens wrote:
> Per wrote in his survey result: "62% use -s file, which I find somewhat surprising. -s file doesn't really perform that well under pressure on rotating hard drives due to some changes in recent Linux and FreeBSD kernels."
> But does anyone have a link to (or write up) some explanation for dummies on cache file types? I know there's 'file' and 'malloc', but I don't know the difference or the pros and cons.
> I tried searching the wiki, but I my google-fu lacks sometimes ;)

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