a possible dead cycle?

Traian Bratucu traian.bratucu at eea.europa.eu
Thu Apr 7 12:10:46 CEST 2011

Please read the documentation you are referring to. You are talking about “hit for pass” behaviour, it is clearly explained there, in English. Since I cannot explain again in another language, please read it more carefully.

From: 彭伟 [mailto:pwlazy at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 12:05 PM
To: Traian Bratucu
Cc: varnish-misc at varnish-cache.org
Subject: Re: a possible dead cycle?

based on the configuration as below:

sub vcl_fetch {
  if (!obj.cacheable) {
    # Limit the lifetime of all 'hit for pass' objects to 10 seconds
    obj.ttl = 10s;

when the object is not cacheable, then go to "pass" which means going to fetch the object from the backend server again?

2011/4/7 Traian Bratucu <traian.bratucu at eea.europa.eu<mailto:traian.bratucu at eea.europa.eu>>
No, if an object is not cacheable, it will simply not be cached (stored in memory and later served from here instead of fetching from the backend), but IT WILL BE DELIVERED to the client.
The only time varnish will re-fetch the object from the backend is on a new client request.


From: varnish-misc-bounces at varnish-cache.org<mailto:varnish-misc-bounces at varnish-cache.org> [mailto:varnish-misc-bounces at varnish-cache.org<mailto:varnish-misc-bounces at varnish-cache.org>] On Behalf Of ??
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:25 AM
To: varnish-misc at varnish-cache.org<mailto:varnish-misc at varnish-cache.org>
Subject: a possible dead cycle?

   when varnish fetch a page from backend server, and find it 's not  cacheable,  so go to fetch the page from backend sever again?

   and find it 's not  cacheable again , so again and agian .......?

  please help me! thanks !


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