POST requests to ESIs

James Sansbury james.sansbury at
Wed Jan 12 22:01:47 CET 2011

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Caunter, Stefan <scaunter at>wrote:

> Even on heavily commented sites, the number of POSTs for new comments will
> be low per second. Issue always seems to be pulling comments for each page
> load. Loading comments with a GET, with a ttl > 0 seems to work well for us
> (no ESI). Is there a reason you are running with TTL at zero?

Yeah, sorry, it was not so much about the TTL as the ability to still lookup
the cached page and pass the POST through to the ESI. I understand we can
increase the TTL of the ESI, but the real goal here is to have a separate
ESI only server that handles all authenticated traffic, while keeping the
frontend server served completely from the Varnish cache.
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