Multiple varnish daemons and logging

Simon Males sime at
Mon Jan 17 16:44:28 CET 2011

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Jaap van Arragon
<j.vanarragon at> wrote:
> We have two varnish daemons for two customers. We want to log the request
> for each daemon separately in apache format.
> Can we do this with separate varnishncsa daemons or are there other ways to
> log the requests?

I believe the -n flag is what you'll need to specify for each daemon.
>From the man page: Specifies the name of the varnishd instance to get
logs from.

This is based on the assumption that your varnishd instances are
differentiated by the -n flag.

Simon Males

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