Varnishstat question

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Fri Jul 8 12:44:45 CEST 2011

]] Jonathan Hursey 


| Greetings fellow varnish enthusiasts. I was wondering if anyone could help
| me determine what would be considered good values for the follow fields in
| varnishstat output and what these fields indicate:
|   1         0.00         0.00 N vcl total
|            1         0.00         0.00 N vcl available

This just tells you that you have one VCL loaded.

|            7          .            .   N total active purges
|            7         0.00         0.00 N new purges added

You have 7 bans added

|         6112         0.00         0.02 N objects tested

And 6112 objects tested against those bans in total.

Tollef Fog Heen
Varnish Software
t: +47 21 98 92 64

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