Problem with Varnish.

Sandro guly Zaccarini guly at
Mon Jul 11 13:42:27 CEST 2011

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 12:16:50PM +0100, Your Friend wrote:
> Hey,
> I posted my vcl conf yesterday and still no response, is this forum active?

yes, actually this is a mailing list but it's active. i suggest you to
ask for help, not to claim for it.

> shall I give up on varnish?
> Anyone who can help me with the issue?

maybe your web developer or sysadmin can. i suppose that there is
something wrong with your web stuff: your vcl doesn't rewrite any
address so if your browser gives you a timeout on host:backendport/ it's
because of the link points there.

  /"\   taste your favourite IT consultant
  \ /   gpg public key
  / \   

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