Varnish 3.0.x - Gunzip / Gzip

Lane, Richard rlane at
Wed Feb 8 21:34:38 CET 2012

I have tried setting “http_gzip_support” to off/false via startup parameter but I still see that Gunzip operations are still occurring in Varnish when looking at Varnishstat output. I would like to turn this off because I have Apache behind Varnish that is already handling Gzip/Deflate operations. Anyone know how to turn it off?

             -p shm_reclen=1024\
             -p http_gzip_support=false \
             -u varnish -g varnish

Varnishstat Output:
           1          .            .   vmods - Loaded VMODs
          98         0.00         0.77 n_gunzip - Gunzip operations
           1         0.00         0.01 LCK.sms.creat - Created locks

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