Stop disabled backend health polling

Per Buer perbu at
Thu May 30 10:30:43 CEST 2013

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 6:17 PM, Carlos Peñas <theistian at> wrote:

> Is there a way to stop probes to disabled backends without restart
> Varnish?

Ideally you should be able to vcl.discard the vcl and the probes should
stop. However, some threads might keep a reference to the old VCL. Since
Varnish is scheduling threads in a LIFO manner some threads might keep
references quite long as they are idle.

You can try setting "release VCL early"  in the diag_bitmap (see man
varnishd). Or you could try to create a short burst of traffic that makes
sure every thread is touched. Then they will notice that they haven't got
the latest VCL and release the reference to the old one.

I think Tollef has scheduled a fix for 3.0.4, but I'm not sure.

 <> *Per Buer*
CEO | Varnish Software AS
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