Varnish GET/POST cache Invalidation

Thomas Lecomte thomas.lecomte at
Tue Jan 6 08:14:09 CET 2015

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Behzad Altaf <behzadaltaf at> wrote:
> Would anybody please help me understand why VARNISH is NOT INVALIDATING the
> cache on the POST of the same URL.
> What am I missing?


Why would be varnish supposed to invalidate content when you use the
POST method?

The default VCL doesn't do that. The behaviour you are experiencing is
normal. Could you post your VCL?


Thomas Lecomte / Sysadmin
+33 4 86 13 48 65 / Virtual Expo / Marseille, France

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