503 error from varnish

Tim Dunphy bluethundr at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 00:39:39 CEST 2015

Hi Geoff,

 Thanks for your input. But I remembered that I had an issue like this a
while back. The problem was that the connect timeouts on my backend
definitions was set too low. There is a bit of latency between the varnish
servers and the web servers. So I raised the connect timeout from 30s to
60s for each of the back ends. That seems to do the trick! And now it seems
that the whole site is caching.



On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 5:35 AM, Geoff Simmons <geoff at uplex.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 7/5/15 2:54 AM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
> >
> > But my current problem is that I've been able to get the main page
> > to the site cached, and a few others. But when I click to like the
> > 4th or 5th page on the wiki that I want to cache through varnish,
> > everything comes to a halt. I get a 503 - service unavailable
> > error, instead of varnish going to the web server to retrieve the
> > page I had clicked on.
> 503 errors are in most cases an indication that there's a problem with
> your backends, and Varnish cannot retrieve responses. When that
> happens, you'll often get some info from the log in the FetchError
> line, as you did here:
> > 10 FetchError   c no backend connection
> No backend connection usually means that health checks are failing --
> in your case, they're failing for both backends that are assigned to
> your director. When health checks fail, Varnish doesn't attempt a
> fetch at all and sends a 503 response immediately.
> When you see that, check the Backend_health entries in the log. They
> describe the current health state (you'll probably see "Still sick"),
> and at the end of the log entry they either show the response status
> that the checks are getting; or if they show no response status, then
> the checks aren't getting any response. That should help you diagnose
> the problem.
> HTH,
> Geoff
> - --
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