varnish eating (unset'ing) the Cookie?

Jason Price japrice at
Mon Oct 26 20:12:04 CET 2015

varnish version 3.0.7 (Yes, I know it's EOL. Hopefully we can get to
varnish4 this quarter)
OS: Centos 7.1
No VMODs other than std.

Varnish is receiving a set cookie, verified by seeing "RxHeader c Cookie"
in varnishlog.  However, looking at "req.http.Cookie" in vcl_recv shows it
as non-existent.

Any ideas?

Relevant VCL:

sub vcl_recv {
        std.log("entry point cookie is " + req.http.Cookie);
        std.log("entry point user agent is " + req.http.User-Agent);

        if (req.url == "/heartbeat") {
                error 200 "OK";

        std.syslog(1, req.url + " checking greencookie");
        call validate_greencookie;

        if (req.restarts == 0) {
                if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) {
                        set req.http.X-Forwarded-For =
                        req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
                } else {
                        set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;

        call set_backend;

        return (pass); #router never looksup

sub validate_greencookie {

        # only the akamai cookie shall pass
        std.log("cookie is " + req.http.Cookie);
        if (req.http.Cookie ~ "^.*[REDACTED_COOKIE]" ) {
        else {
                error 401 "Unauthorized";

Relevant VarnishLog output:

    4 SessionOpen  c 59771 :8080
    4 ReqStart     c 59771 1143318669
    4 RxRequest    c GET
    4 RxURL        c [NOT RELEVANT]
    4 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    4 RxHeader     c Host: [NOT RELEVANT]
    4 RxHeader     c User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
    4 RxHeader     c Accept: */*
    4 RxHeader     c Cookie : [REDACTED_COOKIE]
    4 VCL_call     c recv
    4 VCL_Log      c entry point cookie is
    4 VCL_Log      c entry point user agent is curl/7.43.0
    4 VCL_Log      c cookie is
    4 VCL_return   c error
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