Graphing number of 503s

Gabriel Filion gabster at
Tue Feb 2 19:50:59 CET 2016

On 02/02/16 09:42 AM, Andrzej Godziuk wrote:
>> I'd like to create a graph of how much 503 pages were served by
>> > varnish. Is there an easy way to count how much such error pages are
>> > sent to clients?
>> > 
>> > The only way that I can think right now is to have a permanent
>> > varnishlog that is set to spot the 503s and then use the output from
>> > varnishlog to create the numbers.
> Graphing MAIN.backend_fail from varnishstat could work too.

this is indeed an interesting value for a global feel of how things are
going. however it is my understanding that if grace is enabled, this
value might not reflect how much 503s are actually served to end users.

still it's a good start

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