Configuring Varnish to cache IIS
Albert Tollkuçi
albert.tollkuci at
Fri Mar 10 17:58:11 CET 2017
Basically varnish doesn't know or cares what's behind. It works the same
with Apache, IIS, etc. Configuration is the same.
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 5:20 PM, Rodney Bizzell <rbizzell at>
> I have varnish up and running but I am not sure how to configure varnish
> to work with an external IIS server. I have the server as the content
> server in default.vcl this is all for proof of concept everything is
> internal on port 80. Do I just need to add the url under sub vcl_recv. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated
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