Custom Permalinks Setting in Wordpress

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at
Wed Mar 15 16:25:29 CET 2017

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Magical Wonders
<myles at> wrote:
> Ok Dridi, thanks.
> Step 3 is a bit ambiguous in its present form. I'm guessing that Wordpress
> default permalinks are not recommended in conjunction with Varnish? If
> that's the case, maybe the instruction would be clearer mentioning that and
> recommending to "change Permalinks to any valid custom structure" ? Or
> something like that.


Why don't you directly comment on the github issue? I'm not a
wordpress user myself, so you're probably in a better position to
explain what's confusing you.


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