Upgrading to 6.6 can't reload

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at varni.sh
Mon Jun 21 08:00:56 UTC 2021

On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 6:45 AM Richard Chivers <r.chivers at zengenti.com> wrote:
> Hi, thanks for coming back. No, the hostname didn't change. Here is the rest of the file:
> [Unit]
>                                 -S /etc/varnish/secret \

Can you try removing the -S option from varnishd?

Since you only listen to the CLI on localhost, there's likely no
remote access, so leaving the secret out will make varnishd generate a
random one. Basically, if you want to use varnishadm you need local
root privileges, same as your current setup.

>> > In bionic when we run a varnishadm, we don't need to pass the -T or -S args, it just reads the secret file ( I am assuming) and connects.
>> >
>> > In focal this is not the case, I need to pass the args. e.g. varnishadm -T localhost:6082 -S /etc/varnish/secret

The main entry point is the -n option, and then options (or lack
thereof) like -T and -S can be found from the working directory.

>> > Because of this calling /usr/sbin/varnishreload fails because it calls varnishadm -n '' -- vcl.list and gets the response "No -T in shared memory"
>> >
>> > So my question is where does this default from, is there an ENV variable to set, or am I just missing something?
>> Did your system's hostname change between the moment when varnish was
>> started and when you attempted a reload?
>> Can you share the rest of your service file? (maybe redact sensitive
>> parts if any)

I didn't have time to give more details, but the default value for -n
is the system's hostname, that's why I asked initially about the
hostname changing.

>> > Another strange issue is that varnishlog is not returning anything, it simply hangs and doen't show anything or an error for that matter.

Are you running varnishlog with enough privileges? (most likely
belonging at least to the varnish group.)

If you omit the -d option, varnishlog will print transactions as they
complete, so if by any chance you are inspecting a test system with no
traffic that's not surprising.

A surefire way to see whether varnishlog connects to a running varnish
instance is to try:

    varnishlog -d -g raw

>> > I Installed by adding the repo: deb https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish66/ubuntu/ focal main
>> >
>> > Any ideas or help appreciated.
>> >
>> > I have gone back through change logs, but can't spot anything.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > Richard

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