This is a compilation of items you need to pay attention to when upgrading from Varnish 2.1 to 3.0
In most cases you need to update your VCL since there has been some changes to the syntax.
String concatenation did not have an operator previously, but this has now been changed to +.
To simplify strings, the %-encoding has been removed. If you need non-printable characters, you need to use inline C.
log has moved to the std vmod:
log "log something";
import std;
std.log("log something");
You only need to import std once.
purge() and purge_url() are now respectively ban() and ban_url(), so you should replace all occurences:
purge("req.url = " req.url);
ban("req.url = " + req.url);
purge does not take any arguments anymore, but can be used in vcl_hit or vcl_miss to purge the item from the cache, where you would reduce ttl to 0 in Varnish 2.1:
sub vcl_hit {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
set obj.ttl = 0s;
error 200 "Purged.";
sub vcl_hit {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
error 200 "Purged.";
beresp.cacheable is gone, and can be replaced with beresp.ttl > 0s. Similarly obj.cacheable can be replaced with obj.ttl > 0s.
pass, pipe, lookup, deliver, fetch, hash, pipe and restart are no longer keywords, but arguments to return(), so:
sub vcl_pass {
sub vcl_pass {
You no longer append to the hash with +=, so:
set req.hash += req.url;
You no longer enable ESI with esi, so:
in vcl_fetch becomes:
set beresp.do_esi = true;
The difference in behaviour of pass in vcl_recv and vcl_fetch confused people, so to make it clearer that they are different, you must now do return(hit_for_pass) when doing a pass in vcl_fetch.
cache_vbe_conns and err_ttl has been removed.
The following parameters have been added, see man varnishd for reference:
The following parameters have new defaults:
The following parameters have new names:
Varnish will return an error when headers are too large instead of just ignoring them. If the limits are too low, Varnish will return HTTP 413. You can change the limits by increasing http_req_hdr_len and http_req_size.
thread_pool_max is now per thread pool, while it was a total across all pools in 2.1. If you had this set in 2.1, you should adjust it for 3.0.