Put Varnish on port 80ΒΆ

Until now we've been running with Varnish on a high port, for testing purposes. You should test your application and if it works OK we can switch, so Varnish will be running on port 80 and your web server on a high port.

First we kill off varnishd:

# pkill varnishd

and stop your web server. Edit the configuration for your web server and make it bind to port 8080 instead of 80. Now open the Varnish default.vcl and change the port of the default backend to 8080.

Start up your web server and then start varnish:

# varnishd -f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,1G -T

Note that we've removed the -a option. Now Varnish, as its default setting dictates, will bind to the http port (80). Now everyone accessing your site will be accessing through Varnish.

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