What’s new / Upgrading¶
This section describes the changes and improvements between different versions of Varnish, and what upgrading between the different versions entail.
Varnish 6.1¶
Varnish 6.0¶
Varnish 5.2¶
Varnish 5.1¶
Varnish 5.0¶
- Varnish 5.0 Release Note
- Changes in Varnish 5.0
- Separate VCL files and VCL labels
- Very Experimental HTTP/2 support
- The Shard Director
- Hit-For-Pass is now actually Hit-For-Miss
- Ban Lurker Improvements
- Request Body sent always / “cacheable POST”
- ESI and Backend Request Coalescing (“waitinglist”) Improvement
- Backend PROXY protocol requests
- Default VCL search path
- devicedetect.vcl
- varnishtest
- misc
- News for VMOD authors
- Upgrading to Varnish 5.0