Installing on RedHat or CentOS

Varnish is included in the EPEL repository, however due to incompatible syntax changes in newer versions of Varnish, only older versions are available.

We therefore recommend that you install the latest version directly from our repository, as described above.

Varnish Cache is packaged in RPMs for easy installation and upgrade on Red Hat systems. The Varnish Cache project maintains official packages for the current Enterprise Linux versions. Varnish Cache 6.x series are supported on el7 and el8.

We try to keep the latest version available as prebuilt RPMs (el7 and el8) on

Starting with el8 a DNF module will inhibit Varnish packages, and the solution is to disable the module before installing:

dnf module disable varnish

Official packages of 6

Starting from Varnish Cache 5.0, we’ve simplified our packaging down to two: the main package and a development package.

The official Varnish Cache repository is now hosted at Note that while provides Bash Script installs, we recommend using the manual installation procedures.

Instructions for installing the official repository which contains the newest Varnish Cache 6 release are available at:

With the release of 6.0.2, users have to switch to switch repositories to get the latest version. Read more about this on Release 6.0.2.

External packaging

Varnish Cache is also distributed in third party package repositories.