Changes in Varnish 7.5

For information about updating your current Varnish deployment to the new version, see Upgrading to Varnish 7.5.

A more detailed and technical account of changes in Varnish, with links to issues that have been fixed and pull requests that have been merged, may be found in the change log.



Also known as the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack, or VSV 13, this vulnerability is addressed with two mitigations introducing several changes since the 7.4.0 release of Varnish Cache. The first one detects and stops Rapid Reset attacks and the second one interrupts the processing of HTTP/2 requests that are no longer open (stream reset, client disconnected etc).


Another denial of service attack vector received a CVE number in the aftermath of the Rapid Reset debacle. VSV 14 is called the HTTP/2 Broke Window attack and can be summarized as the ability for clients to hold a server still by not crediting the control flow window of HTTP/2 streams.



The default value of cli_limit has been increased from 48KB to 64KB to avoid truncating the -j output for common use cases.

A new pipe_task_deadline specifies the maximum duration of a pipe transaction. The default value is the special value “never” to align with the former lack of such timeout:

# both equivalent for now
param.set pipe_task_deadline never
param.reset pipe_task_deadline

All the timeout parameters that can be disabled accept the “never” value:

  • between_bytes_timeout

  • cli_timeout

  • connect_timeout

  • first_byte_timeout

  • idle_send_timeout

  • pipe_task_deadline

  • pipe_timeout

  • send_timeout

  • startup_timeout

The varnishd manual advertises the timeout flag for these parameters.

The following parameters address the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset attach:

  • h2_rapid_reset (duration below which a reset is considered rapid)

  • h2_rapid_reset_limit (maximum number of rapid resets per period)

  • h2_rapid_reset_period (the sliding period to track rapid resets)

The new h2_window_timeout parameter defines how long an HTTP/2 stream can stall its delivery waiting for a control flow window update. A stream without any credits is considered broke, and if all streams are broke when the new timeout triggers the entire connection is considered bankrupt.

A new bit flag vcl_req_reset for the feature parameter interrupts client request tasks during VCL transitions when an HTTP/2 stream is no longer open. The result is equivalent to a return (fail); statement and can save significant server resources. It can also break setups expecting requests to always be fully processed, even when they are not delivered.

Bits parameters

In Varnish 7.1.0 the param.set command grew a new -j option that displays the same output as -j for the parameter that is successfully updated.

The goal was to atomically change a value and communicate how a subsequent would render it. This could be used for consistency checks, to ensure that a parameter was not changed by a different party. Collecting how the parameter is displayed can be important for example for floating-point numbers parameters that could be displayed with different resolutions, or parameters that can take units and have multiple representations.

Here is a concrete example:

$ varnishadm param.set -j workspace_client 16384 | jq '.[3].value'
$ varnishadm param.set -j workspace_client 128k | jq '.[3].value'

However, this could not work with bits parameters:

$ varnishadm param.set -j feature +http2 | jq -r '.[3].value'

If the feature parameter is changed, reusing the output of param.set cannot guarantee the restoration that exact value:

# third party intervention
$ varnishadm param.set feature +no_coredump | jq -r '.[3].value'

# attempt at restoring the captured value
$ varnishadm param.set -j feature +http2,+validate_headers | jq -r '.[3].value'

To fill this gap, bits parameters are now displayed as absolute values, relative to none of the bits being set. A list of bits can start with the special value none to clear all the bits, followed by specific bits to raise:

# atomically update and capture feature flags
$ varnishadm param.set -j feature +http2 | jq -r '.[3].value'

# very insistent systems administrator
$ varnishadm param.set feature +no_coredump

# successful attempt at restoring the captured value
$ varnishadm param.set -j feature none,+http2,+validate_headers | jq -r '.[3].value'

The output of and param.set is now idempotent for bits parameters, and can be used by a consistency check system to restore a parameter to its desired value.

Almost all bits parameters are displayed as bits set relative to a none value. The notable exception is vsl_mask that is expressed with bits cleared. For this purpose the vsl_mask parameter is now displayed as bits cleared relative to an all value:

$ varnishadm param.set -j vsl_mask all,-Debug | jq -r '.[3].value'

The special value default for bits parameters was deprecated in favor of the generic param.reset command. It might be removed in a future release.

Other changes in varnishd

The CLI script specified with the -I option must end with a new line character or varnishd will fail to start. Previously, an incomplete last line would be ignored.

Changes to VCL

VCL variables

A new bereq.task_deadline variable is available in vcl_pipe to override the pipe_task_deadline parameter.

All the timeouts that can be overridden in VCL can be unset as well:

  • bereq.between_bytes_timeout

  • bereq.connect_timeout

  • bereq.first_byte_timeout

  • bereq.task_deadline

  • sess.idle_send_timeout

  • sess.send_timeout

  • sess.timeout_idle

  • sess.timeout_linger

They are unset by default, and if they are read unset, the parameter value is returned. If the timeout parameter was disabled with the “never” value, it is capped in VCL to the maximum decimal number (999999999999.999). It is not possible to disable a timeout in VCL.


In the 7.3.0 release a new error condition was added to ESI fragments. A fragment is considered valid only for the response status code 200 and 204.

However, when introduced it also changed the default behavior of the feature flag esi_include_onerror in an inconsistent way.

The behavior is reverted to the traditional Varnish handling of ESI, and the effect of the feature flag is clarified:

  • by default, fragments are always included, even errors

  • the feature flag esi_include_onerror enable processing of the onerror attribute of the <esi:include> tag

  • onerror="continue" allows a parent request to resume its delivery after a sub-request failed

  • when streaming is disabled for the sub-request, the ESI fragment is omitted as mandated by the ESI specification

See Content composition with Edge Side Includes for more information.

Other changes to VCL

The new +fold flag for ACLs merges adjacent subnets together and optimize out subnets for which there exist another all-encompassing subnet.


A new VMOD h2 - Module to control the built-in HTTP2 transport can override the h2_rapid_reset* parameters on a per-session basis.


The SessClose record may contain the RAPID_RESET reason. This can be used to monitor attacks successfully mitigated or detect false positives.

When the feature flag vcl_req_reset is raised, an interrupted client logs a Reset timestamps, and the response status code 408 is logged.

When a BackendClose record includes a reason field, it now shows the reason tag (for example RX_TIMEOUT) instead of its description (Receive timeout) to align with SessClose records. See VSL.

The ExpKill tag can be used to troubleshoot a cache policy. It is masked by default because it is very verbose and requires a good understanding of Varnish internals in the expiry vicinity.

A new field with the number of hits is present in the EXP_Expired entry of an object. Objects removed before they expired are now logged a new entry EXP_Removed, removing a blind spot. Likewise, purged objects are no longer logged as expired, but removed instead. The EXP_expire entry formerly undocumented was renamed to EXP_Inspect for clarity and consistency. A new VBF_Superseded entry explains which object is evicting another one.


A new custom format %{Varnish:default_format}x expands to the output format when nothing is specified. This allows enhancing the default format without having to repeat it:

varnishncsa -F ``%{Varnish:default_format}x %{Varnish:handling}x``


A new MAIN.sc_rapid_reset counter counts the number of HTTP/2 connections closed because the number of rapid resets exceed the limit over the configured period.

Likewise, MAIN.sc_bankrupt counts the number of HTTP/2 connections closed because all streams ran out of credits and h2_window_timeout triggered.

Their MAIN.req_reset counterpart counts the number of time a client task was prematurely failed because the HTTP/2 stream it was processing was no longer open and the feature flag vcl_req_reset was raised.

A new counter MAIN.n_superseded adds visibility on how many objects are inserted as the replacement of another object in the cache. This can give insights regarding the nature of churn in a cache.


When an HTTP/2 stream number does not matter and the stream is handled in a single block, the automatic next identifier can be used:

server s1 {
       stream next {
       } -run
} -start

It is now possible to include other VTC fragments:

include common-server.vtc common-varnish.vtc

An include command takes at least one file name and expands it in place of the include command itself. There are no guards against recursive includes.

Changes for developers and VMOD authors

The VSB_tofile() function can work with VSBs larger than INT_MAX and tolerate partial writes.

The semantics for vtim_dur changed so that INFINITY is interpreted as never timing out. A zero duration that was used in certain scenarios as never timing out is now interpreted as non-blocking or when that is not possible, rounded up to one millisecond. A negative value in this context is considered an expired deadline as if zero was passed, giving a last chance for operations to succeed before timing out.

To support this use case, new functions convert vtim_dur to other values:

  • VTIM_poll_tmo() computes a timeout for poll(2)

  • VTIM_timeval_sock() creates a struct timeval for setsockopt(2)

The value NAN is used to represent unset timeouts in VCL with one notable exception. The struct vrt_backend duration fields cannot be initialized to NAN and zero was the unset value, falling back to parameters. Zero will disable a timeout in a backend definition (which can be overridden by VCL variables) and a negative value will mean unset.

This is an API breakage of struct vrt_backend and its consumers.

Likewise, VMODs creating their own lock classes with Lck_CreateClass() must stop using zero an indefinite Lck_CondWaitTimeout().
