Upgrading to Varnish-Cache 7.7

In general, upgrading from Varnish 7.6 to 7.7 should not require any changes besides the actual upgrade.

Note, however, that some log messages and in particular timestamps have changed, see Changes in Varnish-Cache 7.7 and http2 related timestamps in particular. Here, we only summarize the changes:

  • We have changed how http/2 timestamps are taken.

  • Details of http/2 related log entries have changed.

  • The varnishncsa format Varnish:handling now also outputs hitmiss and hitpass.

  • varnishncsa now outputs headers as they are received and sent.

  • The CLI command backend.list -j now outputs IPs/port information.

Upgrade notes for VMOD developers

vmodtool.py now creates a file vmod_vcs_version.txt in the current working directory when called from a git tree. This file is intended to transport version control system information to builds from distribution bundles.

VMOD authors should add it to the distribution and otherwise ignore it for SCM.

Where git and automake are used, this can be accomplished by adding vmod_vcs_version.txt to the .gitignore file and to the EXTRA_DIST and DISTCLEANFILES variables in Makefile.am.

If neither git is used nor vmod_vcs_version.txt present, vmodtool.py will add NOGIT to the vmod as the vcs identifier.
