From slink at Tue Aug 17 10:07:27 2021 From: slink at (Nils Goroll) Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 12:07:27 +0200 Subject: open source parallel esi for varnish-cache Message-ID: <> We do not regularly announce new Varnish modules (VMODs) on this list, and the only reason why we are making an exception today, is our understanding that a module released yesterday may be of wider interest. On (mirror) we have released a Varnish Delivery Processor (VDP) for parallel ESI processing, which can deliver relevant speedups where portions of ESI-processed objects are not served from cache. The module has been labeled as "mature" in the vmod directory[1] because it has been run in production at the primary sponsor's ESI-heavy high capacity site for about two years now. The master branch has been tested against the current varnish-cache master branch and we will maintain the code base going forward. We do not plan to publicly release branches for past varnish-cache releases. For community support, please use gitlab issues at For commercial support inquiries, please contact varnish-support at Besides our primary, unnamed sponsor who has made open source pESI for varnish-cache possible, we thank BoardGameGeek[2] for their support of the public open source release. Nils -- [1] [2]