[Varnish] #607: Varnish 2.0.6 -- fixes for ESI tag parsing when xmlns:esi attribute present; plus issues with "& " evaluation in URLs

Varnish varnish-bugs at projects.linpro.no
Fri Dec 25 01:02:59 CET 2009

#607: Varnish 2.0.6 -- fixes for ESI tag parsing when xmlns:esi attribute
present; plus issues with "&" evaluation in URLs
 Reporter:  niz    |        Type:  defect
   Status:  new    |    Priority:  high  
Milestone:         |   Component:  build 
  Version:  trunk  |    Severity:  normal
 Keywords:  esi    |  
 I fixed two minor problems we when varnish was parsing the following ESI


 The first problem is that Varnish will only allow alpha-numeric attribute
 names, so "xmlns:esi" appears to be illegal.  In cache_vrt_esi.c,

                 if (!isalnum(*in->b)) {
                 if (!isalnum(*in->b) && (strchr(":_-.", *in->b) == NULL))

 fixes this.  It also allows '_', '-' and '.' characters in the attribute

 The second problem is that the XML character entity references (i.e.
 "&") do not get changed in to their actual representation.  So where I
 was expecting query parameters "?mode=id&id=12034" I get
 "?mode=id&id=12034".   If the ESI included URL is going through
 varnish I can do a vcl regsub() to change "&" to "&" -- but if it is
 going to an external URL things won't work.   I fixed this problem by
 processing XML character entity references in cache_vrt_esi.c -- which I
 think is the best solution.

 I have attached the diffs to cache_vrt_esi.c for both these fixes.   I
 tested them and
 I believe they are safe but this is first time I've looked at this code
 and so I suppose I could have done something dumb.


Ticket URL: <http://varnish.projects.linpro.no/ticket/607>
Varnish <http://varnish.projects.linpro.no/>
The Varnish HTTP Accelerator

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