bug with nuking objects based on TTL and obj reference

Sahil Cooner sahil.cooner at gmx.com
Mon Jul 13 04:38:10 CEST 2009

I'm using redhat with version 2.0.3 of varnish.

Discovered some race condition issues and had assertions and segfaults
thrown with stevedore.

stevedore.c:71, where it's checking the st struct for NULL and it is null.

here is the patch for 2.0.3 that has resolved this issue for us, this
issues also exists in the 2.0.4 stable release of the software.

This is a nasty patch, but makes the software work.

I know there's a deeper issue here, and I'll try and sift through more
code and try and determine what the root cause is, but it has to do with
the TTL and obj reference counting not allowing objects to be cleared
out.  There also appears to concurrency issues with content.

Sahil R Cooner
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