[Varnish] #1281: Documentation inconsistency wrt gzip

Varnish varnish-bugs at varnish-cache.org
Wed Mar 13 16:42:02 CET 2013

#1281: Documentation inconsistency wrt gzip
 Reporter:  perbu          |      Owner:
     Type:  documentation  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:  Varnish 3.0 dev
Component:  build          |    Version:  3.0.3
 Severity:  normal         |   Keywords:  gzip docs
 There is some inconsistency in man vcl and man varnishd wrt. gzip. I can
 fix it if I get some pointers to what the semantics are.

 man vcl:
  beresp.do_gzip: Gzip the object (..) Defaults to false.

 and then, man varnishd says that when http_gzip_support is on Varnish will
 compress the object. It also states that this is on per default.

 Which one is correct?

 Bonus question: Is the correct way disable compression for a request to
 tamper with req.can_gzip or to remove the Accept-Encoding header?

Ticket URL: <https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/ticket/1281>
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The Varnish HTTP Accelerator

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