[Varnish] #1303: Crash: "Assert error in VRT_time_string(), cache_vrt.c line 346"

Varnish varnish-bugs at varnish-cache.org
Tue May 14 07:39:14 CEST 2013

#1303: Crash: "Assert error in VRT_time_string(), cache_vrt.c line 346"
 Reporter:  flies  |       Type:  defect
   Status:  new    |   Priority:  normal
Milestone:         |  Component:  varnishd
  Version:  3.0.3  |   Severity:  normal
 Keywords:         |
 Version: 3.0.3

 Varnish crashes randomly with below dump. Is this workspace size related

 May 13 16:30:14 wpf22 varnishd[15022]: Child (15023) Panic message: Assert
 error in VRT_time_string(), cache_vrt.c line 346:
   Condition((p = WS_Alloc(sp->http->ws, 30)) != 0) not true.
 errno = 115 (Operation now in progress)
 thread = (cache-worker)
 ident = Linux,2.6.32-5-amd64,x86_64,-smalloc,-smalloc,-hcritbit,epoll
   0x43cca8: pan_backtrace+28
   0x43cfa0: pan_ic+1bc
   0x4481af: VRT_time_string+72
   0x7f6a223ef896: _end+7f6a21d5123e
   0x4466dd: VCL_fetch_method+7f
   0x41c18e: cnt_fetch+3e8
   0x41febf: CNT_Session+769
   0x43e75d: wrk_thread_real+9c5
   0x43ec08: wrk_thread+139
   0x7f6a2bd408ca: _end+7f6a2b6a2272
 sp = 0x7f6889cac008 {
   fd = 131, id = 131, xid = 1361532002,
   client = 45916,
   step = STP_FETCH,
   handling = deliver,
   err_code = 200, err_reason = (null),
   restarts = 0, esi_level = 0
   flags =
   bodystatus = 4
   ws = 0x7f6889cac080 { overflow
     id = "sess",
     {s,f,r,e} = {0x7f6889cacc78,+65536,(nil),+65536},
   http[req] = {
     ws = 0x7f6889cac080[sess]
       "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2;
 Feeder.co) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.43
       "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3",
       "host: www.example.com",
       "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
       "Connection: keep-alive",
       "X-Times: S: Mon, 13 May 2013 14:30:14 GMT",
       "X-Forwarded-For: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
       "X-User-Host: www.example.com",
       "tmpUrl: /feed/",
       "tmpHost: www.example.com",
       "X-Database: wp200",
   worker = 0x7f69c8ff3a90 {
     ws = 0x7f69c8ff3cc8 {
       id = "wrk",
       {s,f,r,e} = {0x7f69c8fe19e0,+13128,(nil),+65536},
     http[bereq] =


Ticket URL: <https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/ticket/1303>
Varnish <https://varnish-cache.org/>
The Varnish HTTP Accelerator

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