[master] 0159805 Rewrite the vmod-spec compiler before we start adding new and fancy features.

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at varnish-cache.org
Wed Feb 6 13:03:16 CET 2013

commit 015980576c7603ba13f29c1b0000761945958cf6
Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at FreeBSD.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 6 12:02:39 2013 +0000

    Rewrite the vmod-spec compiler before we start adding new and fancy

diff --git a/lib/libvcl/vmodtool.py b/lib/libvcl/vmodtool.py
index d5681ee..284848f 100755
--- a/lib/libvcl/vmodtool.py
+++ b/lib/libvcl/vmodtool.py
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 # as a string, suitable for inclusion in the C-source of the compile VCL
 # program.
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 import re
@@ -64,59 +66,14 @@ ctypes = {
-initname = ""
-modname = "???"
-pstruct = ""
-pinit = ""
-tdl = ""
-plist = ""
-slist = ""
-def do_func(fname, rval, args, vargs):
-	global pstruct
-	global pinit
-	global plist
-	global slist
-	global tdl
-	#print(fname, rval, args)
-	# C argument list
-	cargs = "(struct req *"
-	for i in args:
-		cargs += ", " + i
-	cargs += ")"
-	# Prototypes for vmod implementation and interface typedef
-	proto = ctypes[rval] + " vmod_" + fname + cargs
-	sproto = ctypes[rval] + " td_" + modname + "_" + fname + cargs
-	# append to lists of prototypes
-	plist += proto + ";\n"
-	tdl += "typedef " + sproto + ";\n"
-	# Append to struct members
-	pstruct += "\ttd_" + modname + "_" + fname + "\t*" + fname + ";\n"
-	# Append to struct initializer
-	pinit += "\tvmod_" + fname + ",\n"
-	# Compose the vmod spec-string
-	s = modname + '.' + fname + "\\0"
-	s += "Vmod_Func_" + modname + "." + fname + "\\0"
-	s += rval + '\\0'
-	for i in vargs:
-		s +=  i + '\\0'
-	slist += '\t"' + s + '",\n'
+def file_header(fo):
+        fo.write("""/*
+ * NB:  This file is machine generated, DO NOT EDIT!
+ *
+ * Edit vmod.vcc and run vmod.py instead
+ */
-def partition(string, separator):
-	if (hasattr(string,"partition")):
-		return string.partition(separator)
-	i = string.find(separator)
-	if i >= 0:
-		return (string[:i],separator,string[i+len(separator):])
-	return (string, '', '')
@@ -125,147 +82,277 @@ def is_c_name(s):
-def parse_enum(tq):
-	assert tq[0] == '{'
-	assert tq[-1] == '}'
-	f = tq[1:-1].split(',')
-	s="ENUM\\0"
-	b=dict()
-	for i in f:
-		i = i.strip()
-		if not is_c_name(i):
-			raise Exception("Enum value '%s' is illegal" % i)
-		if i in b:
-			raise Exception("Duplicate Enum value '%s'" % i)
-		b[i] = True
-		s = s + i.strip() + '\\0'
-	return s
+class token(object):
+	def __init__(self, ln, ch, str):
+		self.ln = ln
+		self.ch = ch
+		self.str = str
+	def __repr__(self):
+		return "<@%d \"%s\">" % (self.ln, self.str)
+class vmod(object):
+	def __init__(self, nam):
+		if not is_c_name(nam):
+			raise Exception("Module name '%s' is illegal" % nam)
+		self.nam = nam
+		self.init = None
+		self.fini = None
+		self.funcs = list()
+	def set_init(self, nam):
+		if self.init != None:
+			raise Exception("Module %s already has Init" % self.nam)
+		if not is_c_name(nam):
+			raise Exception("Init name '%s' is illegal" % nam)
+		self.init = nam
+	def set_fini(self, nam):
+		if self.fini != None:
+			raise Exception("Module %s already has Fini" % self.nam)
+		if not is_c_name(nam):
+			raise Exception("Fini name '%s' is illegal" % nam)
+		self.fini = nam
+	def add_func(self, fn):
+		self.funcs.append(fn)
+	def c_proto(self, fo):
+		for f in self.funcs:
+			f.c_proto(fo)
+		if self.init != None:
+			fo.write("int " + self.init)
+			fo.write(
+			    "(struct vmod_priv *, const struct VCL_conf *);\n")
+		if self.fini != None:
+			fo.write("int " + self.fini)
+			fo.write(
+			    "(struct vmod_priv *, const struct VCL_conf *);\n")
+		fo.write("extern const void * const Vmod_Id;\n")
+	def c_typedefs(self, fo):
+		for f in self.funcs:
+			fo.write(f.c_typedefs(fo, self.nam) + "\n")
+	def c_vmod(self, fo):
+		fo.write('const char Vmod_Name[] = \"' + self.nam + '";\n')
+		fo.write("\n")
+		cs = self.c_struct()
+		fo.write("const " + cs + ' Vmod_Func = {\n')
+		for f in self.funcs:
+			fo.write("\tvmod_" + f.nam + ",\n")
+		if self.init != None:
+			fo.write("\t" + self.init + ",\n")
+		if self.fini != None:
+			fo.write("\t" + self.fini + ",\n")
+		fo.write("};\n")
+		fo.write("\n")
+		fo.write("const int Vmod_Len = sizeof(Vmod_Func);\n")
+		fo.write("\n")
+		fo.write("const char Vmod_Proto[] =\n")
+		for f in self.funcs:
+			fo.write('\t"' + f.c_typedefs(fo, self.nam) + '\\n"\n')
+		fo.write('\t"\\n"\n')
+		for i in (cs + " Vmod_Func_" + self.nam + ';').split("\n"):
+			fo.write('\n\t"' + i + '\\n"')
+		fo.write(";\n\n")
+		fo.write("const char * const Vmod_Spec[] = {\n")
+		for f in self.funcs:
+			fo.write('\t"' + f.strspec(self.nam) + '",\n')
+		if self.init != None:
+			fo.write(
+			    '\t"INIT\\0Vmod_Func_' + self.nam + '._init",\n')
+		if self.fini != None:
+			fo.write(
+			    '\t"FINI\\0Vmod_Func_' + self.nam + '._fini",\n')
+		fo.write("\t0\n")
+		fo.write("};\n")
+		fo.write("\n")
+		fo.write('const char Vmod_Varnish_ABI[] = VMOD_ABI_Version;\n')
+		fo.write("\n")
+		fo.write('const void * const Vmod_Id = &Vmod_Id;\n')
+	def c_struct(self):
+		s = 'struct Vmod_Func_' + self.nam + ' {\n'
+		for f in self.funcs:
+			s += '\ttd_' + self.nam + "_" + f.nam
+			s += "\t*" + f.nam + ";\n"
+		if self.init != None:
+			s += "\tvmod_init_f\t*_init;\n"
+		if self.fini != None:
+			s += "\tvmod_fini_f\t*_fini;\n"
+		s += '}'
+		return s
+class func(object):
+	def __init__(self, nam, retval, al):
+		if not is_c_name(nam):
+			raise Exception("Func name '%s' is illegal" % nam)
+		if retval not in ctypes:
+			raise Exception(
+			    "Return type '%s' not a valid type" % retval)
+		self.nam = nam
+		self.al = al
+		self.retval = retval
+	def __repr__(self):
+		return "<FUNC %s %s>" % (self.retval, self.nam)
+	def c_proto(self, fo):
+		fo.write(ctypes[self.retval])
+		fo.write(" vmod_" + self.nam)
+		fo.write("(struct req *")
+		for a in self.al:
+			fo.write(", " + ctypes[a.typ])
+		fo.write(");\n")
+	def c_typedefs(self, fo, modname):
+		s = "typedef "
+		s += ctypes[self.retval]
+		s += " td_" + modname + "_" + self.nam
+		s += "(struct req *"
+		for a in self.al:
+			s += ", " + ctypes[a.typ]
+		s += ");"
+		return s
+	def strspec(self, modname):
+		s = modname + "." + self.nam
+		s += "\\0"
+		s += "Vmod_Func_" + modname + "." + self.nam + "\\0"
+		s += self.retval + "\\0"
+		for a in self.al:
+			s += a.strspec()
+		return s
+class arg(object):
+	def __init__(self, typ, nam = None, det = None):
+		self.nam = nam
+		self.typ = typ
+		self.det = det
+	def __repr__(self):
+		return "<ARG %s %s %s>" % (self.nam, self.typ, str(self.det))
+	def strspec(self):
+		if self.det == None:
+			return self.typ + "\\0"
+		else:
+			return self.det
+		return "??"
 f = open(specfile, "r")
-def nextline():
-	while True:
-		l0 = f.readline()
-		if l0 == "":
-			return l0
-		l0 = re.sub("#.*$", "", l0)
-		l0 = re.sub("\s\s*", " ", l0.strip())
-		if l0 != "":
-			return l0
-while True:
-	l0 = nextline()
-	if l0 == "":
-		break;
-	l = partition(l0, " ")
-	if l[0] == "Module":
-		modname = l[2].strip();
-		if not is_c_name(modname):
-			raise Exception("Module name '%s' is illegal" % modname)
+tl = list()
+lines = list()
+ln = 0
+for l in f:
+	ln += 1
+	lines.append(l)
+	if l == "":
-	if l[0] == "Init":
-		initname = l[2].strip();
-		if not is_c_name(initname):
-			raise Exception("Init name '%s' is illegal" % initname)
+	l = re.sub("[ \t]*#.*$", "", l)
+	l = re.sub("[ \t]*\n", "", l)
+	l = re.sub("([(){},])", r' \1 ', l)
+	if l == "":
-	if l[0] != "Function":
-		raise Exception("Expected 'Function' line, got '%s'" % l[0])
-	# Find the return type of the function
-	l = partition(l[2].strip(), " ")
-	rt_type = l[0]
-	if rt_type not in ctypes:
-		raise Exception("Return type '%s' not a valid type" % rt_type)
-	# Find the function name
-	l = partition(l[2].strip(), "(")
-	fname = l[0].strip()
-	if not is_c_name(fname):
-		raise Exception("Function name '%s' is illegal" % fname)
-	if l[1] != '(':
-		raise Exception("Missing '('")
-	l = l[2]
-	while -1 == l.find(")"):
-		l1 = nextline()
-		if l1 == "":
-			raise Exception("End Of Input looking for ')'")
-		l = l + l1
-	if -1 != l.find("("):
-		raise Exception("Nesting trouble with '(...)' ")
-	if l[-1:] != ')':
-		raise Exception("Junk after ')'")
-	l = l[:-1]
-	args = list()
-	vargs = list()
-	for i in re.finditer("([A-Z_]+)\s*({[^}]+})?(,|$)", l):
-		at = i.group(1)
-		tq = i.group(2)
-		if at not in ctypes:
-			raise Exception(
-			    "Argument type '%s' not a valid type" % at)
-		args.append(ctypes[at])
-		if at == "ENUM":
-			if tq == None:
-				raise Exception(
-				    "Argument type '%s' needs qualifier {...}"
-				    % at)
-			at=parse_enum(tq)
-		elif tq != None:
-			raise Exception(
-			    "Argument type '%s' cannot be qualified with {...}"
-			    % at)
-		vargs.append(at)
-	do_func(fname, rt_type, args, vargs)
+	for j in l.split():
+		tl.append(token(ln, 0, j))
-def dumps(s):
+def parse_enum2(tl):
+	t = tl.pop(0)
+	if t.str != "{":
+		raise Exception("expected \"{\"")
+	s = "ENUM\\0"
 	while True:
-		l = partition(s, "\n")
-		if len(l[0]) == 0:
+		t = tl.pop(0)
+		if t.str == "}":
-		fc.write('\t"' + l[0] + '\\n"\n')
-		s = l[2]
+		s += t.str + "\\0"
+		if tl[0].str == ",":
+			tl.pop(0)
+		elif tl[0].str != "}":
+			raise Exception("Expceted \"}\" or \",\"")
+	s += "\\0"
+	return arg("ENUM", det=s)
+# The first thing in the file must be the Module declaration
-if initname != "":
-	plist += "int " + initname
-	plist += "(struct vmod_priv *, const struct VCL_conf *);\n"
-	pstruct += "\tvmod_init_f\t*_init;\n"
-	pinit += "\t" + initname + ",\n"
-	slist += '\t"INIT\\0Vmod_Func_' + modname + '._init",\n'
+t = tl.pop(0)
+if t.str != "Module":
+	raise Exception("\"Module\" must be first in file")
+t = tl.pop(0)
+vmod = vmod(t.str)
+# Parse the rest of the file
-def file_header(fo):
-        fo.write("""/*
- * NB:  This file is machine generated, DO NOT EDIT!
- *
- * Edit vmod.vcc and run vmod.py instead
- */
+while len(tl) > 0:
+	t = tl.pop(0)
+	if t.str == "Init":
+		t = tl.pop(0)
+		vmod.set_init(t.str)
+		continue
+	if t.str == "Fini":
+		t = tl.pop(0)
+		vmod.set_fini(t.str)
+		continue
+	if t.str == "Function":
+		al = list()
+		t = tl.pop(0)
+		rt_type = t.str
+		if rt_type not in ctypes:
+			raise Exception(
+			    "Return type '%s' not a valid type" % rt_type)
+		t = tl.pop(0)
+		fname = t.str
+		if not is_c_name(fname):
+			raise Exception("Function name '%s' is illegal" % fname)
+		t = tl.pop(0)
+		if t.str != "(":
+			raise Exception("Expected \"(\" got \"%s\"", t.str)
+		while True:
+			t = tl.pop(0)
+			if t.str == ")":
+				break
+			if t.str == "ENUM":
+				al.append(parse_enum2(tl))
+			elif t.str in ctypes:
+				al.append(arg(t.str))
+			else:
+				raise Exception("ARG? %s" % t.str)
+			if tl[0].str == ",":
+				tl.pop(0)
+			elif tl[0].str != ")":
+				raise Exception("Expceted \")\" or \",\"")
+		if t.str != ")":
+			raise Exception("End Of Input looking for ')'")
+		f = func(fname, rt_type, al)
+		vmod.add_func(f)
+		continue
+	raise Exception("Expected \"Init\", \"Fini\" or \"Function\"")
+# Parsing done, now process
 fc = open("vcc_if.c", "w")
 fh = open("vcc_if.h", "w")
@@ -278,43 +365,20 @@ fh.write('struct VCL_conf;\n')
 fh.write('struct vmod_priv;\n')
-fc.write('#include "config.h"\n')
-fc.write('#include "vrt.h"\n')
-fc.write('#include "vcc_if.h"\n')
-fc.write('#include "vmod_abi.h"\n')
+fc.write("""#include "config.h"
+#include "vrt.h"
+#include "vcc_if.h"
+#include "vmod_abi.h"
-fc.write('const char Vmod_Name[] = "' + modname + '";\n')
-fc.write("const struct Vmod_Func_" + modname + " {\n")
-fc.write(pstruct + "} Vmod_Func = {\n" + pinit + "};\n")
-fc.write("const int Vmod_Len = sizeof(Vmod_Func);\n")
-fc.write('const char Vmod_Proto[] =\n')
-dumps("struct Vmod_Func_" + modname + " {\n")
-dumps(pstruct + "} Vmod_Func_" + modname + ";\n")
-fc.write('const char * const Vmod_Spec[] = {\n' + slist + '\t0\n};\n')
-fc.write('const char Vmod_Varnish_ABI[] = VMOD_ABI_Version;\n')
-fh.write('extern const void * const Vmod_Id;\n')
-fc.write('const void * const Vmod_Id = &Vmod_Id;\n')

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