[master] dd0a14f Fix up curses detection logic, Solaris fixes

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at varnish-cache.org
Mon Jul 1 14:28:36 CEST 2013

commit dd0a14fcad95cd107980499f64128df4990f38e5
Author: Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at varnish-software.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 14 09:12:09 2013 +0200

    Fix up curses detection logic, Solaris fixes
    Makes git master compile on Solaris again, and mostly work.

diff --git a/bin/Makefile.am b/bin/Makefile.am
index 02bfe66..0700f27 100644
--- a/bin/Makefile.am
+++ b/bin/Makefile.am
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #SUBDIRS = varnishadm varnishd varnishlog varnishncsa varnishreplay varnishtest
 SUBDIRS = varnishadm varnishd varnishlog varnishtest
 #SUBDIRS += varnishhist varnishstat varnishtop
 SUBDIRS += varnishstat
diff --git a/bin/varnishhist/Makefile.am b/bin/varnishhist/Makefile.am
index 91719e8..5423155 100644
--- a/bin/varnishhist/Makefile.am
+++ b/bin/varnishhist/Makefile.am
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ varnishhist_LDADD = \
 	$(top_builddir)/lib/libvarnishcompat/libvarnishcompat.la \
 	$(top_builddir)/lib/libvarnishapi/libvarnishapi.la \
 	-lm \
 varnishhist.1: $(top_srcdir)/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishhist.rst
diff --git a/bin/varnishstat/Makefile.am b/bin/varnishstat/Makefile.am
index 6060438..d22edac 100644
--- a/bin/varnishstat/Makefile.am
+++ b/bin/varnishstat/Makefile.am
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ varnishstat_SOURCES = \
 varnishstat_LDADD = \
 	$(top_builddir)/lib/libvarnishcompat/libvarnishcompat.la \
 	$(top_builddir)/lib/libvarnishapi/libvarnishapi.la \
 varnishstat.1: $(top_srcdir)/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishstat.rst
diff --git a/bin/varnishstat/varnishstat_curses.c b/bin/varnishstat/varnishstat_curses.c
index 6fc7c8a..16df1b4 100644
--- a/bin/varnishstat/varnishstat_curses.c
+++ b/bin/varnishstat/varnishstat_curses.c
@@ -54,12 +54,18 @@
 #include "varnishstat.h"
+#  include <ncursesw/curses.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_NCURSESW_H
+#  include <ncursesw.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H
 #  include <ncurses/curses.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_H
+#  include <ncurses.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_CURSES_H
+#  include <curses.h>
-#  ifdef HAVE_CURSES_H
-#    include <curses.h>
-#  endif
+#  error "SysV or X/Open-compatible Curses header file required"
 #define LINES_STATUS		3
@@ -892,10 +898,12 @@ do_curses(struct VSM_data *vd, int delay)
 		switch (ch = wgetch(w_status)) {
 		case ERR:
+#ifdef KEY_RESIZE /* sigh, Solaris lacks this.. */
 		case KEY_RESIZE:
diff --git a/bin/varnishtop/Makefile.am b/bin/varnishtop/Makefile.am
index b2f5c89..54e672f 100644
--- a/bin/varnishtop/Makefile.am
+++ b/bin/varnishtop/Makefile.am
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ varnishtop_SOURCES = varnishtop.c \
 varnishtop_LDADD = \
 	$(top_builddir)/lib/libvarnishcompat/libvarnishcompat.la \
 	$(top_builddir)/lib/libvarnishapi/libvarnishapi.la \
 varnishtop.1: $(top_srcdir)/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishtop.rst
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index f2efa37..a43f209 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -84,18 +84,8 @@ DL_LIBS="${LIBS}"
-AC_SEARCH_LIBS(initscr, [curses ncurses],
-	[have_curses=yes], [have_curses=no])
-if test "$have_curses" = no; then
-	AC_MSG_WARN([curses not found; some tools will not be built])
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ncurses/curses.h curses.h])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_CURSES], [test x$have_curses = xyes])
+AM_CONDITIONAL(VARNISH_CURSES, test x$ax_cv_curses = xyes)
diff --git a/m4/ax_with_curses.m4 b/m4/ax_with_curses.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a37ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/ax_with_curses.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+# ===========================================================================
+#      http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_with_curses.html
+# ===========================================================================
+#   This macro checks whether a SysV or X/Open-compatible Curses library is
+#   present, along with the associated header file.  The NcursesW
+#   (wide-character) library is searched for first, followed by Ncurses,
+#   then the system-default plain Curses.  The first library found is the
+#   one returned.
+#   The following options are understood: --with-ncursesw, --with-ncurses,
+#   --without-ncursesw, --without-ncurses.  The "--with" options force the
+#   macro to use that particular library, terminating with an error if not
+#   found.  The "--without" options simply skip the check for that library.
+#   The effect on the search pattern is:
+#     (no options)                           - NcursesW, Ncurses, Curses
+#     --with-ncurses     --with-ncursesw     - NcursesW only [*]
+#     --without-ncurses  --with-ncursesw     - NcursesW only [*]
+#                        --with-ncursesw     - NcursesW only [*]
+#     --with-ncurses     --without-ncursesw  - Ncurses only [*]
+#     --with-ncurses                         - NcursesW, Ncurses [**]
+#     --without-ncurses  --without-ncursesw  - Curses only
+#                        --without-ncursesw  - Ncurses, Curses
+#     --without-ncurses                      - NcursesW, Curses
+#   [*]  If the library is not found, abort the configure script.
+#   [**] If the second library (Ncurses) is not found, abort configure.
+#   The following preprocessor symbols may be defined by this macro if the
+#   appropriate conditions are met:
+#     HAVE_CURSES             - if any SysV or X/Open Curses library found
+#     HAVE_CURSES_ENHANCED    - if library supports X/Open Enhanced functions
+#     HAVE_CURSES_COLOR       - if library supports color (enhanced functions)
+#     HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE    - if library supports certain obsolete features
+#     HAVE_NCURSESW           - if NcursesW (wide char) library is to be used
+#     HAVE_NCURSES            - if the Ncurses library is to be used
+#     HAVE_CURSES_H           - if <curses.h> is present and should be used
+#     HAVE_NCURSESW_H         - if <ncursesw.h> should be used
+#     HAVE_NCURSES_H          - if <ncurses.h> should be used
+#     HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H  - if <ncursesw/curses.h> should be used
+#     HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H   - if <ncurses/curses.h> should be used
+#   (These preprocessor symbols are discussed later in this document.)
+#   The following output variable is defined by this macro; it is precious
+#   and may be overridden on the ./configure command line:
+#     CURSES_LIB  - library to add to xxx_LDADD
+#   The library listed in CURSES_LIB is NOT added to LIBS by default. You
+#   need to add CURSES_LIB to the appropriate xxx_LDADD line in your
+#   Makefile.am.  For example:
+#     prog_LDADD = @CURSES_LIB@
+#   If CURSES_LIB is set on the configure command line (such as by running
+#   "./configure CURSES_LIB=-lmycurses"), then the only header searched for
+#   is <curses.h>.  The user may use the CPPFLAGS precious variable to
+#   override the standard #include search path.  If the user needs to
+#   specify an alternative path for a library (such as for a non-standard
+#   NcurseW), the user should use the LDFLAGS variable.
+#   The following shell variables may be defined by this macro:
+#     ax_cv_curses           - set to "yes" if any Curses library found
+#     ax_cv_curses_enhanced  - set to "yes" if Enhanced functions present
+#     ax_cv_curses_color     - set to "yes" if color functions present
+#     ax_cv_curses_obsolete  - set to "yes" if obsolete features present
+#     ax_cv_ncursesw      - set to "yes" if NcursesW library found
+#     ax_cv_ncurses       - set to "yes" if Ncurses library found
+#     ax_cv_plaincurses   - set to "yes" if plain Curses library found
+#     ax_cv_curses_which  - set to "ncursesw", "ncurses", "plaincurses" or "no"
+#   These variables can be used in your configure.ac to determine the level
+#   of support you need from the Curses library.  For example, if you must
+#   have either Ncurses or NcursesW, you could include:
+#     if test "x$ax_cv_ncursesw" != xyes && test "x$ax_cv_ncurses" != xyes; then
+#         AX_MSG_ERROR([requires either NcursesW or Ncurses library])
+#     fi
+#   If any Curses library will do (but one must be present and must support
+#   color), you could use:
+#     if test "x$ax_cv_curses" != xyes || test "x$ax_cv_curses_color" != xyes; then
+#         AC_MSG_ERROR([requires an X/Open-compatible Curses library with color])
+#     fi
+#   Certain preprocessor symbols and shell variables defined by this macro
+#   can be used to determine various features of the Curses library.  In
+#   particular, HAVE_CURSES and ax_cv_curses are defined if the Curses
+#   library found conforms to the traditional SysV and/or X/Open Base Curses
+#   definition.  Any working Curses library conforms to this level.
+#   HAVE_CURSES_ENHANCED and ax_cv_curses_enhanced are defined if the
+#   library supports the X/Open Enhanced Curses definition.  In particular,
+#   the wide-character types attr_t, cchar_t and wint_t, the functions
+#   wattr_set() and wget_wch() and the macros WA_NORMAL and _XOPEN_CURSES
+#   are checked.  The Ncurses library does NOT conform to this definition,
+#   although NcursesW does.
+#   HAVE_CURSES_COLOR and ax_cv_curses_color are defined if the library
+#   supports color functions and macros such as COLOR_PAIR, A_COLOR,
+#   COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED and init_pair().  These are NOT part of the
+#   X/Open Base Curses definition, but are part of the Enhanced set of
+#   functions.  The Ncurses library DOES support these functions, as does
+#   NcursesW.
+#   HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE and ax_cv_curses_obsolete are defined if the
+#   library supports certain features present in SysV and BSD Curses but not
+#   defined in the X/Open definition.  In particular, the functions
+#   getattrs(), getcurx() and getmaxx() are checked.
+#   To use the HAVE_xxx_H preprocessor symbols, insert the following into
+#   your system.h (or equivalent) header file:
+#     #if defined HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H
+#     #  include <ncursesw/curses.h>
+#     #elif defined HAVE_NCURSESW_H
+#     #  include <ncursesw.h>
+#     #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H
+#     #  include <ncurses/curses.h>
+#     #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_H
+#     #  include <ncurses.h>
+#     #elif defined HAVE_CURSES_H
+#     #  include <curses.h>
+#     #else
+#     #  error "SysV or X/Open-compatible Curses header file required"
+#     #endif
+#   For previous users of this macro: you should not need to change anything
+#   in your configure.ac or Makefile.am, as the previous (serial 10)
+#   semantics are still valid.  However, you should update your system.h (or
+#   equivalent) header file to the fragment shown above. You are encouraged
+#   also to make use of the extended functionality provided by this version
+#   of AX_WITH_CURSES, as well as in the additional macros
+#   Copyright (c) 2009 Mark Pulford <mark at kyne.com.au>
+#   Copyright (c) 2009 Damian Pietras <daper at daper.net>
+#   Copyright (c) 2012 Reuben Thomas <rrt at sc3d.org>
+#   Copyright (c) 2011 John Zaitseff <J.Zaitseff at zap.org.au>
+#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+#   option) any later version.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+#   with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#   As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner
+#   gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure
+#   scripts that are the output of Autoconf when processing the Macro. You
+#   need not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License when using
+#   or distributing such scripts, even though portions of the text of the
+#   Macro appear in them. The GNU General Public License (GPL) does govern
+#   all other use of the material that constitutes the Autoconf Macro.
+#   This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of the Autoconf
+#   Macro released by the Autoconf Archive. When you make and distribute a
+#   modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this special
+#   exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well.
+#serial 13
+    AC_ARG_VAR([CURSES_LIB], [linker library for Curses, e.g. -lcurses])
+    AC_ARG_WITH([ncurses], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ncurses],
+        [force the use of Ncurses or NcursesW])],
+        [], [with_ncurses=check])
+    AC_ARG_WITH([ncursesw], [AS_HELP_STRING([--without-ncursesw],
+        [do not use NcursesW (wide character support)])],
+        [], [with_ncursesw=check])
+    ax_saved_LIBS=$LIBS
+    AS_IF([test "x$with_ncurses" = xyes || test "x$with_ncursesw" = xyes],
+        [ax_with_plaincurses=no], [ax_with_plaincurses=check])
+    ax_cv_curses_which=no
+    # Test for NcursesW
+    AS_IF([test "x$CURSES_LIB" = x && test "x$with_ncursesw" != xno], [
+        LIBS="$ax_saved_LIBS -lncursesw"
+        AC_CACHE_CHECK([for NcursesW wide-character library], [ax_cv_ncursesw], [
+            AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [initscr])],
+                [ax_cv_ncursesw=yes], [ax_cv_ncursesw=no])
+        ])
+        AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_ncursesw" = xno && test "x$with_ncursesw" = xyes], [
+            AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-ncursesw specified but could not find NcursesW library])
+        ])
+        AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_ncursesw" = xyes], [
+            ax_cv_curses=yes
+            ax_cv_curses_which=ncursesw
+            CURSES_LIB="-lncursesw"
+            AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSESW], [1], [Define to 1 if the NcursesW library is present])
+            AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES],   [1], [Define to 1 if a SysV or X/Open compatible Curses library is present])
+            AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working ncursesw/curses.h], [ax_cv_header_ncursesw_curses_h], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1
+                        @%:@include <ncursesw/curses.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                        attr_t d = WA_NORMAL;
+                        cchar_t e;
+                        wint_t f;
+                        int g = getattrs(stdscr);
+                        int h = getcurx(stdscr) + getmaxx(stdscr);
+                        initscr();
+                        init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                        wattr_set(stdscr, d, 0, NULL);
+                        wget_wch(stdscr, &f);
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncursesw_curses_h=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncursesw_curses_h=no])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncursesw_curses_h" = xyes], [
+                ax_cv_curses_enhanced=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_obsolete=yes
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_ENHANCED],   [1], [Define to 1 if library supports X/Open Enhanced functions])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR],      [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE],   [1], [Define to 1 if library supports certain obsolete features])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H], [1], [Define to 1 if <ncursesw/curses.h> is present])
+            ])
+            AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working ncursesw.h], [ax_cv_header_ncursesw_h], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1
+                        @%:@include <ncursesw.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                        attr_t d = WA_NORMAL;
+                        cchar_t e;
+                        wint_t f;
+                        int g = getattrs(stdscr);
+                        int h = getcurx(stdscr) + getmaxx(stdscr);
+                        initscr();
+                        init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                        wattr_set(stdscr, d, 0, NULL);
+                        wget_wch(stdscr, &f);
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncursesw_h=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncursesw_h=no])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncursesw_h" = xyes], [
+                ax_cv_curses_enhanced=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_obsolete=yes
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_ENHANCED], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports X/Open Enhanced functions])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR],    [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports certain obsolete features])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSESW_H],      [1], [Define to 1 if <ncursesw.h> is present])
+            ])
+            AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working ncurses.h], [ax_cv_header_ncurses_h_with_ncursesw], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1
+                        @%:@include <ncurses.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                        attr_t d = WA_NORMAL;
+                        cchar_t e;
+                        wint_t f;
+                        int g = getattrs(stdscr);
+                        int h = getcurx(stdscr) + getmaxx(stdscr);
+                        initscr();
+                        init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                        wattr_set(stdscr, d, 0, NULL);
+                        wget_wch(stdscr, &f);
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncurses_h_with_ncursesw=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncurses_h_with_ncursesw=no])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncurses_h_with_ncursesw" = xyes], [
+                ax_cv_curses_enhanced=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_obsolete=yes
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_ENHANCED], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports X/Open Enhanced functions])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR],    [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports certain obsolete features])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSES_H],       [1], [Define to 1 if <ncurses.h> is present])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncursesw_curses_h" = xno && test "x$ax_cv_header_ncursesw_h" = xno && test "x$ax_cv_header_ncurses_h_with_ncursesw" = xno], [
+                AC_MSG_WARN([could not find a working ncursesw/curses.h, ncursesw.h or ncurses.h])
+            ])
+        ])
+    ])
+    # Test for Ncurses
+    AS_IF([test "x$CURSES_LIB" = x && test "x$with_ncurses" != xno && test "x$ax_cv_curses_which" = xno], [
+        LIBS="$ax_saved_LIBS -lncurses"
+        AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Ncurses library], [ax_cv_ncurses], [
+            AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [initscr])],
+                [ax_cv_ncurses=yes], [ax_cv_ncurses=no])
+        ])
+        AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_ncurses" = xno && test "x$with_ncurses" = xyes], [
+            AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-ncurses specified but could not find Ncurses library])
+        ])
+        AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_ncurses" = xyes], [
+            ax_cv_curses=yes
+            ax_cv_curses_which=ncurses
+            CURSES_LIB="-lncurses"
+            AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSES], [1], [Define to 1 if the Ncurses library is present])
+            AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES],  [1], [Define to 1 if a SysV or X/Open compatible Curses library is present])
+            AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working ncurses/curses.h], [ax_cv_header_ncurses_curses_h], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@include <ncurses/curses.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                        int g = getattrs(stdscr);
+                        int h = getcurx(stdscr) + getmaxx(stdscr);
+                        initscr();
+                        init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncurses_curses_h=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncurses_curses_h=no])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncurses_curses_h" = xyes], [
+                ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_obsolete=yes
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR],     [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE],  [1], [Define to 1 if library supports certain obsolete features])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H], [1], [Define to 1 if <ncurses/curses.h> is present])
+            ])
+            AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working ncurses.h], [ax_cv_header_ncurses_h], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@include <ncurses.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                        int g = getattrs(stdscr);
+                        int h = getcurx(stdscr) + getmaxx(stdscr);
+                        initscr();
+                        init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncurses_h=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_header_ncurses_h=no])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncurses_h" = xyes], [
+                ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                ax_cv_curses_obsolete=yes
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR],    [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports certain obsolete features])
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSES_H],       [1], [Define to 1 if <ncurses.h> is present])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_ncurses_curses_h" = xno && test "x$ax_cv_header_ncurses_h" = xno], [
+                AC_MSG_WARN([could not find a working ncurses/curses.h or ncurses.h])
+            ])
+        ])
+    ])
+    # Test for plain Curses (or if CURSES_LIB was set by user)
+    AS_IF([test "x$with_plaincurses" != xno && test "x$ax_cv_curses_which" = xno], [
+        AS_IF([test "x$CURSES_LIB" != x], [
+            LIBS="$ax_saved_LIBS $CURSES_LIB"
+        ], [
+            LIBS="$ax_saved_LIBS -lcurses"
+        ])
+        AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Curses library], [ax_cv_plaincurses], [
+            AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [initscr])],
+                [ax_cv_plaincurses=yes], [ax_cv_plaincurses=no])
+        ])
+        AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_plaincurses" = xyes], [
+            ax_cv_curses=yes
+            ax_cv_curses_which=plaincurses
+            AS_IF([test "x$CURSES_LIB" = x], [
+                CURSES_LIB="-lcurses"
+            ])
+            AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES], [1], [Define to 1 if a SysV or X/Open compatible Curses library is present])
+            # Check for base conformance (and header file)
+            AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working curses.h], [ax_cv_header_curses_h], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@include <curses.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        initscr();
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_header_curses_h=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_header_curses_h=no])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_curses_h" = xyes], [
+                AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_H], [1], [Define to 1 if <curses.h> is present])
+                # Check for X/Open Enhanced conformance
+                AC_CACHE_CHECK([for X/Open Enhanced Curses conformance], [ax_cv_plaincurses_enhanced], [
+                    AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                            @%:@define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1
+                            @%:@include <curses.h>
+                            @%:@ifndef _XOPEN_CURSES
+                            @%:@error "this Curses library is not enhanced"
+                            "this Curses library is not enhanced"
+                            @%:@endif
+                        ]], [[
+                            chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                            int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                            chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                            attr_t d = WA_NORMAL;
+                            cchar_t e;
+                            wint_t f;
+                            initscr();
+                            init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                            wattr_set(stdscr, d, 0, NULL);
+                            wget_wch(stdscr, &f);
+                        ]])],
+                        [ax_cv_plaincurses_enhanced=yes],
+                        [ax_cv_plaincurses_enhanced=no])
+                ])
+                AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_plaincurses_enhanced" = xyes], [
+                    ax_cv_curses_enhanced=yes
+                    ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_ENHANCED], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports X/Open Enhanced functions])
+                    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR],    [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                ])
+                # Check for color functions
+                AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Curses color functions], [ax_cv_plaincurses_color], [
+                    AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1
+                        @%:@include <curses.h>
+                        ]], [[
+                            chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                            int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                            chtype c = COLOR_PAIR(1) & A_COLOR;
+                            initscr();
+                            init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED);
+                        ]])],
+                        [ax_cv_plaincurses_color=yes],
+                        [ax_cv_plaincurses_color=no])
+                ])
+                AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_plaincurses_color" = xyes], [
+                    ax_cv_curses_color=yes
+                    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_COLOR], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports color (enhanced functions)])
+                ])
+                # Check for obsolete functions
+                AC_CACHE_CHECK([for obsolete Curses functions], [ax_cv_plaincurses_obsolete], [
+                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[
+                        @%:@include <curses.h>
+                    ]], [[
+                        chtype a = A_BOLD;
+                        int b = KEY_LEFT;
+                        int g = getattrs(stdscr);
+                        int h = getcurx(stdscr) + getmaxx(stdscr);
+                        initscr();
+                    ]])],
+                    [ax_cv_plaincurses_obsolete=yes],
+                    [ax_cv_plaincurses_obsolete=no])
+                ])
+                AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_plaincurses_obsolete" = xyes], [
+                    ax_cv_curses_obsolete=yes
+                    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CURSES_OBSOLETE], [1], [Define to 1 if library supports certain obsolete features])
+                ])
+            ])
+            AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_header_curses_h" = xno], [
+                AC_MSG_WARN([could not find a working curses.h])
+            ])
+        ])
+    ])
+    AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_curses"          != xyes], [ax_cv_curses=no])
+    AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_curses_enhanced" != xyes], [ax_cv_curses_enhanced=no])
+    AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_curses_color"    != xyes], [ax_cv_curses_color=no])
+    AS_IF([test "x$ax_cv_curses_obsolete" != xyes], [ax_cv_curses_obsolete=no])
+    LIBS=$ax_saved_LIBS

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