[master] eab1696 Add query expression documentation

Martin Blix Grydeland martin at varnish-cache.org
Tue Oct 1 14:48:19 CEST 2013

commit eab169644fd483c207afc84d2a7354c5a8fbf99a
Author: Martin Blix Grydeland <martin at varnish-software.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 26 17:01:30 2013 +0200

    Add query expression documentation

diff --git a/doc/sphinx/Makefile.am b/doc/sphinx/Makefile.am
index 1ba6eb1..3152943 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/sphinx/Makefile.am
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	reference/vmod.rst \
 	reference/vmod_std.rst \
 	reference/vsm.rst \
+	reference/vsl-query.rst \
 	tutorial/index.rst \
 	tutorial/introduction.rst \
 	tutorial/starting_varnish.rst \
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/index.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/index.rst
index ab27df2..13f7458 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/reference/index.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/index.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ The Varnish Reference Manual
+	vsl-query.rst
 .. todo::
         The programs:
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/vsl-query.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/vsl-query.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f69c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/vsl-query.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+.. _ref-vsl-query:
+Varnish VSL Query Expressions
+:Author: Martin Blix Grydeland
+:Date: 2013-09-26
+:Version: 0.1
+:Manual section: 7
+The Varnish VSL Query Expressions extracts transactions from the
+Varnish shared memory log, and perform queries on the transactions
+before reporting matches.
+A transaction is a set of log lines that belongs together, e.g. a
+client request. The API monitors the log, and collects all log records
+that make up a transaction before reporting on that
+transaction. Transactions can also be grouped, meaning backend
+transactions are reported together with the client transaction that
+initiated it.
+A query is run on a group of transactions. A query expression is true
+if there is a log record within the group that satisfies the
+condition. It is false only if none of the log records satisfied the
+condition. Query expressions can be combined using boolean functions.
+When grouping transactions, there is a hierarchy structure showing
+which transaction initiated what. The level increases by one by a
+'initiated by' relation, so for example a backend transaction will
+have one higher level than the client transaction that initiated it on
+a cache miss. Levels start counting at 1, except when using raw where
+it will always be 0.
+The grouping modes are:
+* Session
+  All transactions initiated by a client connection is reported
+  together. All log data is buffered until the client connection is
+  closed, which can cause session grouping mode to potentially consume
+  a lot of memory.
+* Request
+  Transactions are grouped by request, where the set will include the
+  request itself, and any backend requests or ESI-subrequests. Session
+  data is not reported. This is the default.
+  Transactions are not grouped, so each VXID is reported in it's
+  entirety. Sessions, requests, ESI-requests and backend requests are
+  all reported individually. Non-transactional data is not reported
+  (VXID == 0).
+* Raw
+  Every log record will make up a transaction of it's own. All data,
+  including non-transactional data will be reported.
+Example transaction hierarchy ::
+  Lvl 1: Client request (cache miss)
+    Lvl 2: Backend request
+    Lvl 2: ESI subrequest (cache miss)
+      Lvl 3: Backend request
+      Lvl 3: Backend request (VCL restart)
+      Lvl 3: ESI subrequest (cache miss)
+        Lvl 4: Backend request
+    Lvl 2: ESI subrequest (cache hit)
+A query expression consists of a record selection criteria, and
+optionally an operator and a value to match against ::
+  <record selection criteria> <operator> <operand>
+Record selection criteria
+The record selection criteria determines what kind records from the
+transaction group the expression applies to. Syntax: ::
+  {level}taglist:record-prefix[field]
+Taglist is mandatory, the other components are optional.
+The level limits the expression to a transaction at that level. If
+left unspecified the expression is applied to transactions at all
+levels. Level is a positive integer or zero. If level is followed by a
+'+' character, it expresses greater than or equal. If level is
+followed by a '-', it expresses less than or equal.
+The taglist is a comma-separated list of VSL record tags that this
+expression should be applied against. Each list element can be a tag
+name or a tag glob. Globs allow a '*' either in the beginning of
+the name or at the end, and will select all tags that match either the
+prefix or subscript. A single '*' will select all tags.
+The record prefix will further limit the record set matched against to
+those records that has this prefix as it's first part of the record
+content followed by a colon. The part of the log record matched
+against will then be limited to what follows the prefix and
+colon. This is useful when matching against specific HTTP headers. The
+record prefix matching is done case insensitive.
+The field will, if present, treat the log record as a white space
+separated list of fields, and only the nth part of the record will be
+matched against. Fields start counting at 1.
+An expression using only a record selection criteria will be true if
+there is any record in the transaction group that is selected by the
+The following matching operators are available:
+* == != < <= > >=
+  Numerical comparison. The record contents will be converted to
+  either an integer or a float before comparison, depending on the
+  type of the operand.
+* eq ne
+  String comparison. 'eq' tests string equality, 'ne' tests for not
+  equality.
+* ~ !~
+  Regular expression matching. '~' is a positive match, '!~' is a
+  non-match.
+The operand is the value the selected records will be matched
+An operand can be quoted or unquoted. Quotes can be either single or
+double quotes, and for quoted operands a backslash can be used to
+escape the quotes.
+Unquoted operands can only consist of the following characters: ::
+  a-z A-Z 0-9 + - _ . *
+The following types of operands are available:
+* Integer
+  A number without any fractional part, valid for the numerical
+  comparison operators. The integer type is used when the operand does
+  not contain any period (.) characters.
+* Float
+  A number with a fractional part, valid for the numerical comparison
+  operators. The float type is used when the operand does contain a
+  period (.) character.
+* String
+  A sequence of characters, valid for the string equality operators.
+* Regular expression
+  A PCRE regular expression. Valid for the regular expression
+  operators.
+Boolean functions
+Query expressions can be linked together using boolean functions. The
+following are available, in decreasing precedence:
+* not <expr>
+  Inverts the result of <expr>
+* <expr1> and <expr2>
+  True only if both expr1 and expr2 are true
+* <expr1> or <expr2>
+  True if either of expr1 or expr2 is true
+Expressions can be grouped using parenthesis.
+* Transaction group contains a request URL that equals to "/foo" ::
+    ReqURL eq "/foo"
+* Transaction group contains a request cookie header ::
+    ReqHeader:cookie
+* Transaction group doesn't contain a request cookie header ::
+    not ReqHeader:cookie
+* Transaction group contains a request user-agent header that contains
+  "iPod" and the request delivery time exceeds 1 second ::
+    ReqHeader:user-agent ~ "iPod" and ReqEnd[5] > 1.
+* Transaction group contains a backend response status larger than or
+  equal to 500 ::
+    BerespStatus >= 500
+* Transaction group contains a request response status of 304, but
+  where the request did not contain an if-modified-since header ::
+    ReqStatus == 304 and not ReqHeader:if-modified-since
+* Transactions that has backend failures or long delivery time on
+  their ESI subrequests. (Assumes request grouping mode). ::
+    BerespStatus >= 500 or {1+}ReqEnd[5] > 1.

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