[4.1] bdf1235 Parameters cleanup

Federico G. Schwindt fgsch at lodoss.net
Fri Sep 4 15:54:51 CEST 2015

commit bdf1235857c9734d6ec21db10c119dcdc4b48442
Author: Federico G. Schwindt <fgsch at lodoss.net>
Date:   Tue Jul 28 23:30:38 2015 +0100

    Parameters cleanup
    Add missing ones, make the order consistent and remove deprecated
    options. More to come.

diff --git a/bin/varnishd/mgt/mgt_main.c b/bin/varnishd/mgt/mgt_main.c
index 0ae5338..37b1985 100644
--- a/bin/varnishd/mgt/mgt_main.c
+++ b/bin/varnishd/mgt/mgt_main.c
@@ -141,15 +141,15 @@ usage(void)
 #define FMT "    %-28s # %s\n"
 	fprintf(stderr, "usage: varnishd [options]\n");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-a address:port", "HTTP listen address and port"
-	    " (default: *:80)");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-a address:port,proto",
+	    "HTTP listen address and port (default: *:80)");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-b address:port", "backend address and port");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "   -b <hostname_or_IP>");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "   -b '<hostname_or_IP>:<port_or_service>'");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-C", "print VCL code compiled to C language");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-d", "debug");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-f file", "VCL script");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-F", "Run in foreground");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-f file", "VCL script");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-h kind[,hashoptions]", "Hash specification");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -h critbit [default]");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -h simple_list");
@@ -162,15 +162,17 @@ usage(void)
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -j unix[,user=<user>][,ccgroup=<group>]");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -j none");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-l shl,free,fill", "Size of shared memory file");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-l shl,free", "Size of shared memory file");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  shl: space for SHL records [80m]");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  free: space for other allocations [1m]");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  fill: prefill new file [+]");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-M address:port", "Reverse CLI destination.");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-M address:port", "Reverse CLI destination");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-n dir", "varnishd working directory");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-P file", "PID file");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-p param=value", "set parameter");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-r param[,param...]", "make parameter read-only");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT,
+	    "-r param[,param...]", "make parameter read-only");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-S secret-file",
+	    "Secret file for CLI authentication");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT,
 	    "-s [name=]kind[,options]", "Backend storage specification");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -s malloc[,<size>]");
@@ -181,12 +183,10 @@ usage(void)
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -s file,<dir_or_file>,<size>");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "",
 	    "  -s file,<dir_or_file>,<size>,<granularity>");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -s persist{experimental}");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-S secret-file",
-	    "Secret file for CLI authentication");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "", "  -s persistent (experimental)");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-T address:port",
 	    "Telnet listen address and port");
-	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-t", "Default TTL");
+	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-t TTL", "Default TTL");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-V", "version");
 	fprintf(stderr, FMT, "-W waiter", "Waiter implementation");
 #if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE)
@@ -541,12 +541,12 @@ main(int argc, char * const *argv)
 		case 'd':
-		case 'f':
-			f_arg = optarg;
-			break;
 		case 'F':
 			F_flag = 1 - F_flag;
+		case 'f':
+			f_arg = optarg;
+			break;
 		case 'h':
 			h_arg = optarg;
@@ -591,19 +591,19 @@ main(int argc, char * const *argv)
 			MCF_ParamProtect(cli, optarg);
+		case 'S':
+			S_arg = optarg;
+			break;
 		case 's':
 			s_arg_given = 1;
-		case 't':
-			MCF_ParamSet(cli, "default_ttl", optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'S':
-			S_arg = optarg;
-			break;
 		case 'T':
 			T_arg = optarg;
+		case 't':
+			MCF_ParamSet(cli, "default_ttl", optarg);
+			break;
 		case 'V':
 			/* XXX: we should print the ident here */
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishd.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishd.rst
index 05b04da..33d60f6 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishd.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/varnishd.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ HTTP accelerator daemon
-varnishd [-a address[:port][,PROTO]] [-b host[:port]] [-C] [-d] [-f config] [-F] [-g group] [-h type[,options]] [-i identity] [-l shl[,free[,fill]]] [-M address:port] [-n name] [-P file] [-p param=value] [-r param[,param...] [-s [name=]kind[,options]] [-S secret-file] [-T address[:port]] [-t TTL] [-u user] [-V]
+varnishd [-a address[:port][,PROTO]] [-b host[:port]] [-C] [-d] [-F] [-f config] [-h type[,options]] [-i identity] [-j jail[,jailoptions]] [-l shl[,free]] [-M address:port] [-n name] [-P file] [-p param=value] [-r param[,param...]] [-S secret-file] [-s [name=]kind[,options]] [-T address[:port]] [-t TTL] [-V] [-W waiter]
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ OPTIONS
   started explicitly with a CLI command. Terminating the parent
   process will also terminate the child.
+  Do not fork, run in the foreground.
 -f config
   Use the specified VCL configuration file instead of the builtin
@@ -66,16 +70,6 @@ OPTIONS
   When neither a -f nor a -b argument are given, `varnishd` will not
   start the worker process but process cli commands.
-  Do not fork, run in the foreground.
--g group
-  Specifies the name of an unprivileged group to which the child
-  process should switch before it starts accepting connections. This
-  is a shortcut for specifying the group run-time parameter.
 -h <type[,options]>
   Specifies the hash algorithm. See `Hash Algorithm Options`_ for a
@@ -90,12 +84,12 @@ OPTIONS
   Specify the jailing technology to use.
--l <shl[,free[,fill]]>
+-l <shl[,free]>
   Specifies size of shmlog file. shl is the store for the shared
-  memory log records [80M], free is the store for other allocations
-  [1M] and fill determines how the log is [+].  Scaling suffixes like
-  'k', 'M' can be used up to (E)xabytes.  Default is 80 Megabytes.
+  memory log records [80M] and free is the store for other allocations
+  [1M]. Scaling suffixes like 'k', 'M' can be used up to (E)xabytes.
+  Default is 81 Megabytes.
 -M <address:port>
@@ -129,6 +123,12 @@ OPTIONS
   *vcc_allow_inline_c* read only as these can potentially be used to
   escalate privileges from the CLI.
+-S file
+  Path to a file containing a secret used for authorizing access to
+  the management port. If not provided a new secret will be drawn
+  from the system PRNG.
 -s <[name=]type[,options]>
   Use the specified storage backend, see `Storage Backend Options`_.
@@ -136,12 +136,6 @@ OPTIONS
   This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple storage
   files. Names are referenced in logs, VCL, statistics, etc.
--S file
-  Path to a file containing a secret used for authorizing access to
-  the management port. If not provided a new secret will be drawn
-  from the system PRNG.
 -T <address[:port]>
   Offer a management interface on the specified address and port. See
@@ -152,19 +146,14 @@ OPTIONS
   Specifies the default time to live (TTL) for cached objects. This is
   a shortcut for specifying the *default_ttl* run-time parameter.
--u user
-  Specifies the name of an unprivileged user to which the child
-  process should switch before it starts accepting connections. This
-  is a shortcut for specifying the user runtime parameter.
-  If specifying both a user and a group, the user should be specified
-  first.
   Display the version number and exit.
+  Specifies the waiter type to use.
 .. _opt_h:
 Hash Algorithm Options

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