[master] 39e20ba improve timeout_idle documentation and formatting

Nils Goroll nils.goroll at uplex.de
Fri May 12 14:53:05 CEST 2017

commit 39e20baf91970e727a056072918691f1f82690b0
Author: Nils Goroll <nils.goroll at uplex.de>
Date:   Fri May 12 14:50:30 2017 +0200

    improve timeout_idle documentation and formatting

diff --git a/include/tbl/params.h b/include/tbl/params.h
index 870ba41..7511f5a 100644
--- a/include/tbl/params.h
+++ b/include/tbl/params.h
@@ -1376,9 +1376,12 @@ PARAM(
 	/* units */	"seconds",
 	/* flags */	XYZZY,
 	/* s-text */
-	"Idle timeout for client connections.\n"
-	"A connection is considered idle, until we have received the full "
-	"request headers.",
+	"Idle timeout for client connections.\n\n"
+	"A connection is considered idle until we have received the full"
+	" request headers.\n\n"
+	"This parameter is particularly relevant for HTTP1 keepalive "
+	" connections which are closed unless the next request is received"
+	" before this timeout is reached.",
 	/* l-text */	"",
 	/* func */	NULL

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