[master] 4135edf Polish the vsl_arg stuff a bit more.

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at FreeBSD.org
Mon Oct 23 07:05:08 UTC 2017

commit 4135edfe992322419310e9883d335908bd2fd800
Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at FreeBSD.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 23 07:04:25 2017 +0000

    Polish the vsl_arg stuff a bit more.

diff --git a/lib/libvarnishapi/Makefile.am b/lib/libvarnishapi/Makefile.am
index 5ad55d2..41339ed 100644
--- a/lib/libvarnishapi/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/libvarnishapi/Makefile.am
@@ -100,17 +100,18 @@ vxp_test_SOURCES = \
 	$(libvarnishapi_la_SOURCES) \
-vsl_glob_test_SOURCES = \
-	vsl_glob_test.c
 vsl_glob_test_LDADD = @PCRE_LIBS@ ${RT_LIBS} ${LIBM} libvarnishapi.la
 vsl_glob_test_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-TESTS = vjsn_test
+TESTS = vjsn_test vsl_glob_test
 noinst_PROGRAMS += ${TESTS}
+vsl_glob_test_SOURCES = vsl_glob_test.c
+vsl_glob_test_LDADD = libvarnishapi.la @SAN_LDFLAGS@
 vjsn_test_SOURCES = vjsn.c
 vjsn_test_LDADD = libvarnishapi.la @SAN_LDFLAGS@
diff --git a/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_arg.c b/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_arg.c
index 6642cab..cd7c2b4 100644
--- a/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_arg.c
+++ b/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_arg.c
@@ -146,27 +146,26 @@ VSL_Glob2Tags(const char *glob, int l, VSL_tagfind_f *func, void *priv)
 VSL_List2Tags(const char *list, int l, VSL_tagfind_f *func, void *priv)
-	const char *p, *q, *e;
-	int r, t;
+	const char *p, *b, *e;
+	int r, t = 0;
-	if (l < 0)
-		l = strlen(list);
 	p = list;
-	e = p + l;
-	t = 0;
+	if (l >= 0)
+		e = p + l;
+	else
+		e = strchr(p, '\0');
 	while (p < e) {
 		while (p < e && *p == ',')
 		if (p == e)
-		q = p;
-		while (q < e && *q != ',')
-			q++;
-		r = VSL_Glob2Tags(p, q - p, func, priv);
+		b = p;
+		while (p < e && *p != ',')
+			p++;
+		r = VSL_Glob2Tags(b, p - b, func, priv);
 		if (r < 0)
 			return (r);
 		t += r;
-		p = q;
 	if (t == 0)
 		return (-1);
diff --git a/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_glob_test.c b/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_glob_test.c
index 3ad2ec8..e4f62a9 100644
--- a/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_glob_test.c
+++ b/lib/libvarnishapi/vsl_glob_test.c
@@ -30,26 +30,55 @@
 #ifndef __FLEXELINT__
+#include <fnmatch.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "vapi/vsl.h"
+#include "vdef.h"
+#include "vas.h"
 static void
 cb(int tag, void *priv)
-	(void)priv;
 	printf("\t%d (%s)\n", tag, VSL_tags[tag]);
+	if (priv != NULL)
+		assert(!fnmatch(priv, VSL_tags[tag], FNM_CASEFOLD));
+static int
+tst_one(const char *p)
+	int i;
+	printf("Test <%s>\n", p);
+	i = VSL_Glob2Tags(p, -1, cb, TRUST_ME(p));
+	printf("  -> %d\n", i);
+	return (i);
 main(int argc, char * const *argv)
-	int i;
+	int i, j;
+	if (argc == 1) {
+		i = tst_one("Req*");
+		assert(i == 10);
+		j = tst_one("reQ*");
+		assert(i == j);
+		assert(tst_one("*Header") > 0);
+		assert(tst_one("Req*eader") == 1);
+		assert(tst_one("*") > 0);
+		assert(tst_one("a*b*c") == -3);
+		assert(tst_one("**") == -3);
+		assert(tst_one("_") == -1);
+		assert(tst_one("") == -1);
+		assert(VSL_Glob2Tags("", 0, cb, NULL) == -1);
+		return (0);
+	}
 	if (argc != 2) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "vsl_glob_test <tagname/glob>\n");

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