[master] 540c588 Have generate.py pick the VCL variables out of the documentation, instead of the other way around.

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at FreeBSD.org
Thu Feb 15 11:40:07 UTC 2018

commit 540c588574141f2391ad1b65d20caa99d290e820
Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at FreeBSD.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 15 11:38:38 2018 +0000

    Have generate.py pick the VCL variables out of the documentation,
    instead of the other way around.

diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl.rst
index 1d04884..566a4c3 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl.rst
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ In VCL you have access to certain variable objects. These contain
 requests and responses currently being worked on. What variables are
 available depends on context.
-.. include:: ../include/vcl_var.rst
+.. include:: vcl_var.rst
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl_var.rst b/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl_var.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbd06e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl_var.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@
+	Type: IP
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	The IP address of the other end of the TCP connection.
+	This can either be the clients IP, or the outgoing IP
+	of a proxy server.
+	Type: IP
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	The client's IP address.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Identification of the client, used to load balance
+	in the client director. Defaults to the client's IP
+	address.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	The transport address of the '-a' socket the session was
+	accepted on.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	The name of the '-a' socket the session was accepted on.
+	Type: IP
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	The IP address of the local end of the TCP connection.
+	Type: IP
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	The IP address of the socket on which the client
+	connection was received.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: all
+	The host name of the server.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: all
+	The identity of the server, as set by the -i
+	parameter.  If the -i parameter is not passed to varnishd,
+	server.identity will be set to the hostname of the machine.
+	Type: HTTP
+	Readable from: client
+	The entire request HTTP data structure
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	The request type (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").
+	Type: BLOB
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_miss, vcl_pass, vcl_purge, vcl_deliver
+	The hash key of this request.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	The requested URL.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	The HTTP protocol version used by the client.
+	Type: HEADER
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Unsetable from: client
+	The corresponding HTTP header.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: client
+	A count of how many times this request has been restarted.
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	The storage backend to use to save this request body.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: client
+	A count of how many levels of ESI requests we're currently at.
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Upper limit on the object age for cache lookups to return hit.
+	Usage of req.ttl should be replaced with a check on
+	obj.ttl in vcl_hit, returning miss when needed, but
+	this currently hits bug #1799, so an additional
+	workaround is required.
+	Deprecated and scheduled for removal with varnish release 7.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	Unique ID of this request.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Boolean. Set to false to disable ESI processing
+	regardless of any value in beresp.do_esi. Defaults
+	to true. This variable is subject to change in
+	future versions, you should avoid using it.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: client
+	Does the client accept the gzip transfer encoding.
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Set bereq.backend to this if we attempt to fetch.
+	When set to a director, reading this variable returns
+	an actual backend if the director has resolved immediately,
+	or the director otherwise.
+	When used in string context, returns the name of the director
+	or backend, respectively.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Ignore any busy object during cache lookup. You
+	would want to do this if you have two server looking
+	up content from each other to avoid potential deadlocks.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: client
+	Writable from: client
+	Force a cache miss for this request. If set to true
+	Varnish will disregard any existing objects and
+	always (re)fetch from the backend.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	The request method of the top-level request in a tree
+	of ESI requests. (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").
+	Identical to req.method in non-ESI requests.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	The requested URL of the top-level request in a tree
+	of ESI requests.
+	Identical to req.url in non-ESI requests.
+	Type: HEADER
+	Readable from: client
+	HTTP headers of the top-level request in a tree of ESI requests.
+	Identical to req.http. in non-ESI requests.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: client
+	HTTP protocol version of the top-level request in a tree of
+	ESI requests.
+	Identical to req.proto in non-ESI requests.
+	Type: HTTP
+	Readable from: backend
+	The entire backend request HTTP data structure
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: backend
+	Unique ID of this request.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: backend
+	A count of how many times this request has been retried.
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Writable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	This is the backend or director we attempt to fetch from.
+	When set to a director, reading this variable returns
+	an actual backend if the director has resolved immediately,
+	or the director otherwise.
+	When used in string context, returns the name of the director
+	or backend, respectively.
+	Type: BODY
+	Unsetable from: vcl_backend_fetch
+	The request body.
+	Type: BLOB
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	The hash key of this request.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Writable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	The request type (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Writable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	The requested URL.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Writable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	The HTTP protocol version used to talk to the server.
+	Type: HEADER
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Writable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Unsetable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	The corresponding HTTP header.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: backend
+	Indicates whether this request is uncacheable due
+	to a pass in the client side or a hit on an hit-for-pass
+	object.
+	Readable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	Writable from: vcl_pipe, backend
+	The time in seconds to wait for a backend connection.
+	Readable from: backend
+	Writable from: backend
+	The time in seconds to wait for the first byte from
+	the backend.  Not available in pipe mode.
+	Readable from: backend
+	Writable from: backend
+	The time in seconds to wait between each received byte from the
+	backend.  Not available in pipe mode.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: backend
+	True for background fetches.
+	Type: HTTP
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The entire backend response HTTP data structure
+	Type: BODY
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_error
+	The response body.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The HTTP protocol version used the backend replied with.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The HTTP status code returned by the server.
+	Status codes >1000 can be set for vcl-internal
+	purposes and will be taken modulo 1000 on delivery.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The HTTP status message returned by the server.
+	Type: HEADER
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Unsetable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The corresponding HTTP header.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Boolean. ESI-process the object after fetching it.
+	Defaults to false. Set it to true to parse the
+	object for ESI directives. Will only be honored if
+	req.esi is true.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Deliver the object to the client while fetching the whole
+	object into varnish. For uncacheable objects, storage for
+	parts of the body which have been sent to the client may
+	get freed early, depending on the storage engine used.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Boolean. Gzip the object before storing it. Defaults
+	to false. When http_gzip_support is on Varnish will
+	request already compressed content from the backend
+	and as such compression in Varnish is not needed.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Boolean. Unzip the object before storing it in the
+	cache.  Defaults to false.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Boolean. If this is a successful 304 response to a
+	backend conditional request refreshing an existing
+	cache object.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Inherited from bereq.uncacheable, see there.
+	Setting this variable makes the object uncacheable, which may
+	get stored as a hit-for-miss object in the cache.
+	Clearing the variable has no effect and will log the warning
+	"Ignoring attempt to reset beresp.uncacheable".
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The object's remaining time to live, in seconds.
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The age of the object.
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Set to a period to enable grace.
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Set to a period to enable conditional backend requests.
+	The keep time is cache lifetime in addition to the ttl.
+	Objects with ttl expired but with keep time left may be used
+	to issue conditional (If-Modified-Since / If-None-Match)
+	requests to the backend to refresh them.
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	This is the backend we fetched from.  If bereq.backend
+	was set to a director, this will be the backend selected
+	by the director.
+	When used in string context, returns its name.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Name of the backend this response was fetched from.
+	Same as beresp.backend.
+	Type: IP
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response
+	IP of the backend this response was fetched from.
+	Readable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	Writable from: vcl_backend_response, vcl_backend_error
+	The storage backend to use to save this object.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_hit
+	The HTTP protocol version stored with the object.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: vcl_hit
+	The HTTP status code stored with the object.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_hit
+	The HTTP reason phrase stored with the object.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver
+	The count of cache-hits on this object. A value of 0 indicates a
+	cache miss.
+	Type: HEADER
+	Readable from: vcl_hit
+	The corresponding HTTP header.
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver
+	The object's remaining time to live, in seconds.
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver
+	The age of the object.
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver
+	The object's remaining grace period in seconds.
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver
+	The object's remaining keep period in seconds.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver
+	Whether the object is uncacheable (pass, hit-for-pass or
+	hit-for-miss).
+	Readable from: vcl_hit, vcl_deliver
+	The storage backend used to save this object.
+	Type: HTTP
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	The entire response HTTP data structure.
+	Type: BODY
+	Writable from: vcl_synth
+	The response body.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	Writable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	The HTTP protocol version to use for the response.
+	Type: INT
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	Writable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	The HTTP status code that will be returned.
+	Assigning a HTTP standardized code to resp.status will also
+	set resp.reason to the corresponding status message.
+	resp.status 200 will get changed into 304 by core code after
+	a return(deliver) from vcl_deliver for conditional requests
+	to cached content if validation succeeds.
+	Type: STRING
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	Writable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	The HTTP status message that will be returned.
+	Type: HEADER
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	Writable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	Unsetable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	The corresponding HTTP header.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: vcl_deliver, vcl_synth
+	Returns true when the response will be streamed
+	from the backend.
+	Type: TIME
+	Readable from: all
+	The current time, in seconds since the epoch. When
+	used in string context it returns a formatted string.
+	Type: BYTES
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	Free space available in the named stevedore. Only available for
+	the malloc stevedore.
+	Type: BYTES
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	Used space in the named stevedore. Only available for the malloc
+	stevedore.
+	Type: BOOL
+	Readable from: client, backend
+	Health status for the named stevedore. Not available in any of the
+	current stevedores.
diff --git a/include/Makefile.am b/include/Makefile.am
index 27a557a..b98f8d0 100644
--- a/include/Makefile.am
+++ b/include/Makefile.am
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ nobase_noinst_HEADERS = \
 vmod_abi.h: \
 	    $(top_srcdir)/lib/libvcc/generate.py \
 	    $(top_srcdir)/include/vdef.h \
-	    $(top_srcdir)/include/vrt.h
+	    $(top_srcdir)/include/vrt.h \
+	    $(top_srcdir)/doc/sphinx/reference/vcl_var.rst
 	mkdir -p $(top_builddir)/include/tbl
 	@PYTHON@ $(top_srcdir)/lib/libvcc/generate.py \
 	    $(top_srcdir) $(top_builddir)
diff --git a/lib/libvcc/generate.py b/lib/libvcc/generate.py
index 1eb857e..345ee6a 100755
--- a/lib/libvcc/generate.py
+++ b/lib/libvcc/generate.py
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ returns = (
 sp_variables = collections.OrderedDict()
 class vardef(object):
-	def __init__(self, nam, typ, rd, wr, doc, uns = None):
+	def __init__(self, nam, typ, rd, wr, doc, uns):
 		sp_variables[nam] = self
 		self.nam = nam
 		self.typ = typ
@@ -178,662 +178,54 @@ class vardef(object):
 		self.doc = doc
 		self.uns = uns
-	'IP',
-	('both',),
-	(), """
-	The IP address of the other end of the TCP connection.
-	This can either be the clients IP, or the outgoing IP
-	of a proxy server.
-	"""
-	'IP',
-	('both',),
-	(), """
-	The client's IP address.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	Identification of the client, used to load balance
-	in the client director. Defaults to the client's IP
-	address.
-	"""
-	'IP',
-	('both',),
-	(), """
-	The IP address of the local end of the TCP connection.
-	"""
-	'IP',
-	('both',),
-	(), """
-	The IP address of the socket on which the client
-	connection was received.
-	"""
-	('all',),
-	(), """
-	The host name of the server.
-	"""
-	('all',),
-	(), """
-	The identity of the server, as set by the -i
-	parameter.  If the -i parameter is not passed to varnishd,
-	server.identity will be set to the hostname of the machine.
-	"""
-	'HTTP',
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	The entire request HTTP data structure
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	The request type (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").
-	"""
-	'BLOB',
-	('hit', 'miss', 'pass', 'purge', 'deliver', ),
-	(), """
-	The hash key of this request.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	The requested URL.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	The HTTP protocol version used by the client.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	The corresponding HTTP header.
-	""",
-	uns = ('client',)
-	'INT',
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	A count of how many times this request has been restarted.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	The storage backend to use to save this request body.
-	"""
-	'INT',
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	A count of how many levels of ESI requests we're currently at.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	Upper limit on the object age for cache lookups to return hit.
-	Usage of req.ttl should be replaced with a check on
-	obj.ttl in vcl_hit, returning miss when needed, but
-	this currently hits bug #1799, so an additional
-	workaround is required.
-	Deprecated and scheduled for removal with varnish release 7.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	Unique ID of this request.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	Boolean. Set to false to disable ESI processing
-	regardless of any value in beresp.do_esi. Defaults
-	to true. This variable is subject to change in
-	future versions, you should avoid using it.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	Does the client accept the gzip transfer encoding.
-	"""
-	('client', ),
-	('client',), """
-	Set bereq.backend to this if we attempt to fetch.
-	When set to a director, reading this variable returns
-	an actual backend if the director has resolved immediately,
-	or the director otherwise.
-	When used in string context, returns the name of the director
-	or backend, respectively.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	Ignore any busy object during cache lookup. You
-	would want to do this if you have two server looking
-	up content from each other to avoid potential deadlocks.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('client',),
-	('client',), """
-	Force a cache miss for this request. If set to true
-	Varnish will disregard any existing objects and
-	always (re)fetch from the backend.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	The request method of the top-level request in a tree
-	of ESI requests. (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").
-	Identical to req.method in non-ESI requests.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	The requested URL of the top-level request in a tree
-	of ESI requests.
-	Identical to req.url in non-ESI requests.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	HTTP headers of the top-level request in a tree of ESI requests.
-	Identical to req.http. in non-ESI requests.
-	"""
-	('client',),
-	(), """
-	HTTP protocol version of the top-level request in a tree of
-	ESI requests.
-	Identical to req.proto in non-ESI requests.
-	"""
-	'HTTP',
-	('backend',),
-	(), """
-	The entire backend request HTTP data structure
-	"""
-	('backend',),
-	(), """
-	Unique ID of this request.
-	"""
-	'INT',
-	('backend',),
-	(), """
-	A count of how many times this request has been retried.
-	"""
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	('pipe', 'backend', ), """
-	This is the backend or director we attempt to fetch from.
-	When set to a director, reading this variable returns
-	an actual backend if the director has resolved immediately,
-	or the director otherwise.
-	When used in string context, returns the name of the director
-	or backend, respectively.
-	"""
-	'BODY',
-	(),
-	(), """
-	The request body.
-	""",
-	uns = ('backend_fetch',)
-	'BLOB',
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	(), """
-	The hash key of this request.
-	"""
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	('pipe', 'backend', ), """
-	The request type (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").
-	"""
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	('pipe', 'backend', ), """
-	The requested URL.
-	"""
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	('pipe', 'backend', ), """
-	The HTTP protocol version used to talk to the server.
-	"""
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	('pipe', 'backend', ), """
-	The corresponding HTTP header.
-	""",
-	uns = ('pipe', 'backend', )
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend', ),
-	(), """
-	Indicates whether this request is uncacheable due
-	to a pass in the client side or a hit on an hit-for-pass
-	object.
-	"""
-	('pipe', 'backend', ),
-	('pipe', 'backend', ), """
-	The time in seconds to wait for a backend connection.
-	"""
-	('backend', ),
-	('backend', ), """
-	The time in seconds to wait for the first byte from
-	the backend.  Not available in pipe mode.
-	"""
-	('backend', ),
-	('backend', ), """
-	The time in seconds to wait between each received byte from the
-	backend.  Not available in pipe mode.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend', ),
-	(), """
-	True for background fetches.
-	"""
-	'HTTP',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	(), """
-	The entire backend response HTTP data structure
-	"""
-	'BODY',
-	(),
-	('backend_error',), """
-	The response body.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	The HTTP protocol version used the backend replied with.
-	"""
-	'INT',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	The HTTP status code returned by the server.
-	Status codes >1000 can be set for vcl-internal
-	purposes and will be taken modulo 1000 on delivery.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	The HTTP status message returned by the server.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	The corresponding HTTP header.
-	""",
-	uns = ('backend_response', 'backend_error')
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Boolean. ESI-process the object after fetching it.
-	Defaults to false. Set it to true to parse the
-	object for ESI directives. Will only be honored if
-	req.esi is true.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Deliver the object to the client while fetching the whole
-	object into varnish. For uncacheable objects, storage for
-	parts of the body which have been sent to the client may
-	get freed early, depending on the storage engine used.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Boolean. Gzip the object before storing it. Defaults
-	to false. When http_gzip_support is on Varnish will
-	request already compressed content from the backend
-	and as such compression in Varnish is not needed.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Boolean. Unzip the object before storing it in the
-	cache.  Defaults to false.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	(), """
-	Boolean. If this is a successful 304 response to a
-	backend conditional request refreshing an existing
-	cache object.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Inherited from bereq.uncacheable, see there.
-	Setting this variable makes the object uncacheable, which may
-	get stored as a hit-for-miss object in the cache.
-	Clearing the variable has no effect and will log the warning
-	"Ignoring attempt to reset beresp.uncacheable".
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	The object's remaining time to live, in seconds.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	(), """
-	The age of the object.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Set to a period to enable grace.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	Set to a period to enable conditional backend requests.
-	The keep time is cache lifetime in addition to the ttl.
-	Objects with ttl expired but with keep time left may be used
-	to issue conditional (If-Modified-Since / If-None-Match)
-	requests to the backend to refresh them.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	(), """
-	This is the backend we fetched from.  If bereq.backend
-	was set to a director, this will be the backend selected
-	by the director.
-	When used in string context, returns its name.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	(), """
-	Name of the backend this response was fetched from.
-	Same as beresp.backend.
-	"""
-	'IP',
-	('backend_response',),
-	(), """
-	IP of the backend this response was fetched from.
-	"""
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'),
-	('backend_response', 'backend_error'), """
-	The storage backend to use to save this object.
-	"""
-	('hit',),
-	(), """
-	The HTTP protocol version stored with the object.
-	"""
-	'INT',
-	('hit',),
-	(), """
-	The HTTP status code stored with the object.
-	"""
-	('hit',),
-	(), """
-	The HTTP reason phrase stored with the object.
-	"""
-	'INT',
-	('hit', 'deliver'),
-	(), """
-	The count of cache-hits on this object. A value of 0 indicates a
-	cache miss.
-	"""
-	('hit',),
-	(), """
-	The corresponding HTTP header.
-	"""
-	('hit', 'deliver'),
-	(), """
-	The object's remaining time to live, in seconds.
-	"""
-	('hit', 'deliver'),
-	(), """
-	The age of the object.
-	"""
-	('hit', 'deliver'),
-	(), """
-	The object's remaining grace period in seconds.
-	"""
-	('hit', 'deliver'),
-	(), """
-	The object's remaining keep period in seconds.
-	"""
-	'BOOL',
-	('deliver',),
-	(), """
-	Whether the object is uncacheable (pass, hit-for-pass or
-	hit-for-miss).
-	"""
-	('hit', 'deliver'),
-	(), """
-	The storage backend used to save this object.
-	"""
-	'HTTP',
-	('deliver', 'synth'),
-	(), """
-	The entire response HTTP data structure.
-	"""
-	'BODY',
-	(),
-	('synth',), """
-	The response body.
-	"""
-	('deliver', 'synth'),
-	('deliver', 'synth'), """
-	The HTTP protocol version to use for the response.
-	"""
-	'INT',
-	('deliver', 'synth'),
-	('deliver', 'synth'), """
-	The HTTP status code that will be returned.
-	Assigning a HTTP standardized code to resp.status will also
-	set resp.reason to the corresponding status message.
-	resp.status 200 will get changed into 304 by core code after
-	a return(deliver) from vcl_deliver for conditional requests
-	to cached content if validation succeeds.
-	"""
-	('deliver', 'synth'),
-	('deliver', 'synth'), """
-	The HTTP status message that will be returned.
-	"""
-	('deliver', 'synth'),
-	('deliver', 'synth'), """
-	The corresponding HTTP header.
-	""",
-	uns = ('deliver', 'synth')
-	'BOOL',
-	('deliver', 'synth'),
-	(), """
-	Returns true when the response will be streamed
-	from the backend.
-	"""
-	'TIME',
-	('all',),
-	(), """
-	The current time, in seconds since the epoch. When
-	used in string context it returns a formatted string.
-	"""
+def parse_var(ln):
+	vn = ln.pop(0).split()
+	assert len(vn) == 1
+	vn = vn[0]
+	vr = []
+	vw = []
+	vu = []
+	while True:
+		l = ln.pop(0)
+		if l == "":
+			continue
+		j = l.split()
+		if j[0] == "Type:":
+			assert len(j) == 2
+			vt = j[1]
+			continue
+		if j[0] == "Readable" and j[1] == "from:":
+			for i in j[2:]:
+				vr.append(i.strip(",."))
+			continue
+		if j[0] == "Writable" and j[1] == "from:":
+			for i in j[2:]:
+				vw.append(i.strip(",."))
+			continue
+		if j[0] == "Unsetable" and j[1] == "from:":
+			for i in j[2:]:
+				vu.append(i.strip(",."))
+			continue
+		break
+	doc = "\n" + l + "\n" + "\n".join(ln)
+	if vn[:8] != "storage.":
+		vardef(vn, vt, vr, vw, doc, uns=vu)
+def parse_var_doc(fn):
+	s = 0
+	l = []
+	for i in open(fn):
+		l.append(i.rstrip())
+	for n in range(0, len(l)):
+		j = l[n].split()
+		if len(j) != 2 or j[0] != "Type:" or not l[n][0].isspace():
+			continue
+		m = n
+		while m < len(l) and ( l[m] == "" or l[m][0].isspace() ):
+			m += 1
+		parse_var(l[n-2:m-1])
+parse_var_doc(join(buildroot, "doc/sphinx/reference/vcl_var.rst"))
 # Backwards compatibility:
 aliases = []
@@ -1204,6 +596,8 @@ fo.close()
 def restrict(fo, spec):
 	d = dict()
 	for j in spec:
+		if j[:4] == "vcl_":
+			j = j[4:]
 		if j == 'all':
 			for i in vcls:
 				d[i] = True
@@ -1219,6 +613,8 @@ def restrict(fo, spec):
 			for i in vcls_backend:
 				d[i] = True
+			if not j in vcls:
+				print("JJ", j)
 			assert j in vcls
 			d[j] = True
 	p = ""
@@ -1398,59 +794,6 @@ fo.close()
-fp_vclvar = open(join(buildroot, "doc/sphinx/include/vcl_var.rst"), "w")
-def rst_where(fo, h, l):
-	ll = list()
-	if len(l) == 0:
-		return
-	fo.write("\t" + h)
-	s = ""
-	for j in l:
-		if j == "both":
-			ll.append("client")
-			ll.append("backend")
-		elif j == "client":
-			ll.append(j)
-		elif j == "backend":
-			ll.append(j)
-		elif j == "all":
-			ll.append(j)
-		else:
-			ll.append("vcl_" + j)
-	for j in ll:
-		fo.write(s + j)
-		s = ", "
-	fo.write("\n\n")
-hdr = ""
-for i in sp_variables.values():
-	j = i.nam.split(".")
-	if j[0] != hdr:
-		fp_vclvar.write("\n" + j[0] + "\n")
-		fp_vclvar.write("~" * len(j[0]) + "\n")
-		hdr = j[0]
-	fp_vclvar.write("\n" + i.nam + "\n\n")
-	fp_vclvar.write("\tType: " + i.typ + "\n\n")
-	rst_where(fp_vclvar, "Readable from: ", i.rd)
-	rst_where(fp_vclvar, "Writable from: ", i.wr)
-	for j in i.doc.split("\n"):
-		fp_vclvar.write("\t%s\n" % j.strip())
-hdr = "storage"
-fp_vclvar.write("\n" + hdr + "\n")
-fp_vclvar.write("~" * len(hdr) + "\n")
-for i in stv_variables:
-	fp_vclvar.write("\n" + i[3] + "\n\n")
-	fp_vclvar.write("\tType: " + i[1] + "\n\n")
-	fp_vclvar.write("\tReadable from: client, backend\n\n")
-	for j in i[4].split("\n"):
-		fp_vclvar.write("\t%s\n" % j.strip())
 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(srcroot, ".git")):
 	v = subprocess.check_output([
 		"git --git-dir=" + os.path.join(srcroot, ".git") +

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