[master] 5548d5300 Move the installation instructions from the homepage repo to the per-release documentation and rearrange things a bit.

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at FreeBSD.org
Tue Apr 16 09:34:07 UTC 2019

commit 5548d530026dea6f4c23704e6d19a0badc41417b
Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at FreeBSD.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 16 09:32:14 2019 +0000

    Move the installation instructions from the homepage repo to
    the per-release documentation and rearrange things a bit.
    Competent review is requested.

diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_debian.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_debian.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..317141947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_debian.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.. _cloud-debian:
+Debian cloud images
+Varnish Cache is also made available by Varnish Software in the following 
+clouds providers:
+Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2)
+Here is a list of the currently available images for Ubuntu LTS on 
+Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2):
+* `Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`_
+* `Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B01H2063F6
+.. _`Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B01MU4VLOA
+Microsoft Azure
+Here is a list of the currently available images for Ubuntu LTS on 
+Microsoft's Azure cloud:
+* `Varnish Cache 4 and 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on Azure`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 and 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on Azure`: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/varnish.varnish-cache_
+Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
+Here is a list of the currently available images for Ubuntu LTS on 
+Google Cloud Platform (GCP):
+* `Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`_
+* `Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`: https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/varnish-public/varnish-cache-4-payg-ubuntu
+.. _`Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`: https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/varnish-public/varnish-cache-5-payg-ubuntu
+UPLEX Packages with vmods
+`UPLEX`_ provides packages of varnish-cache and various vmods for
+Debian, Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS
+* `UPLEX Packages`_
+.. _`UPLEX Packages`: https://pkg.uplex.de/
+.. _`UPLEX`: https://uplex.de/#anchorvarnish
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_redhat.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_redhat.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6e0a4b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_redhat.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+.. _cloud-redhat:
+RedHat Cloud images
+Varnish Cache is also made available by Varnish Software in the following 
+clouds providers:
+Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2)
+Here is a list of the currently available images for RHEL7 on 
+Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2):
+* `Varnish Cache 4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on AWS`_
+* `Varnish Cache 5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on AWS`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on AWS`: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B01H2061O4
+.. _`Varnish Cache 5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on AWS`: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B01MR09UKM
+Microsoft Azure
+Here is a list of the currently available images for RHEL7 on 
+Microsoft's Azure cloud:
+* `Varnish Cache 4 and 5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on Azure`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 and 5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on Azure`: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/varnish.varnish-cache_
+Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
+Here is a list of the currently available images for RHEL7 on 
+Google Cloud Platform (GCP):
+* `Varnish Cache 4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on GCP`_
+* `Varnish Cache 5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on GCP`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on GCP`: https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/varnish-public/varnish-cache-4-payg-red-hat
+.. _`Varnish Cache 5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on GCP`: https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/varnish-public/varnish-cache-5-payg-red-hat
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_ubuntu.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_ubuntu.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2231a950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/cloud_ubuntu.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+.. _cloud-ubuntu:
+Ubuntu Cloud images
+Varnish Cache is also made available by Varnish Software in the following 
+clouds providers:
+Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2)
+Here is a list of the currently available images for Ubuntu LTS on 
+Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2):
+* `Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`_
+* `Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B01H2063F6
+.. _`Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on AWS`: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B01MU4VLOA
+Microsoft Azure
+Here is a list of the currently available images for Ubuntu LTS on 
+Microsoft's Azure cloud:
+* `Varnish Cache 4 and 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on Azure`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 and 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on Azure`: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/varnish.varnish-cache_
+Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
+Here is a list of the currently available images for Ubuntu LTS on 
+Google Cloud Platform (GCP):
+* `Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`_
+* `Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`_
+.. _`Varnish Cache 4 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`: https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/varnish-public/varnish-cache-4-payg-ubuntu
+.. _`Varnish Cache 5 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 on GCP`: https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/varnish-public/varnish-cache-5-payg-ubuntu
+(this is left here to avoid linkrot)
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/index.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/index.rst
index f758d8486..525fdcd44 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/installation/index.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/index.rst
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 Varnish Installation
-This section covers installation prerequisites, a step-by-step installation procedure, how and where
-to get help, and how to report bugs. It also contains a set of platform specific notes to aid you when installing Varnish on certain platforms.
-.. XXX: rewrite the last paragraph.
+This section covers installation prerequisites, a step-by-step
+installation procedure, how and where to get help, and how to report
 .. toctree::
+	:maxdepth: 2
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/install.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/install.rst
index 9010e8153..4710f7a62 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/installation/install.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/install.rst
@@ -11,207 +11,37 @@ matter of personal taste. If you don't know which method to choose, we
 recommend that you read this whole section and then choose the method you feel
 most comfortable with.
+Unfortunately, something as basic as installing a piece of software
+is highly operating system specific:
-Source or packages?
+.. toctree::
+	:maxdepth: 2
-Installing Varnish on most relevant operating systems can usually
-be done with with the specific systems package manager, typical examples
+	install_debian
+	install_freebsd
+	install_redhat
+Cloud images of Varnish
-Binary package:
-		``pkg_add -r varnish4``
-From source:
-		``cd /usr/ports/www/varnish4 && make install clean``
+.. toctree::
+	:maxdepth: 2
-Red Hat / CentOS
-We try to keep the latest version available as prebuilt RPMs (el5 and el6)
-on `packagecloud.io/varnishcache <https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/>`_.  See the online
-`Red Hat installation instructions
-<https://www.varnish-cache.org/installation/redhat>`_ for more information.
-Varnish is included in the `EPEL
-<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL>`_ repository, however due to
-incompatible syntax changes in newer versions of Varnish, only older
-versions are available.
-We therefore recommend that you install the latest version directly from our repository, as described above.
-Varnish is distributed with both Debian and Ubuntu. In order to get
-Varnish up and running type ``sudo apt-get install varnish``. Please
-note that this might not be the latest version of Varnish.  If you
-need a later version of Varnish, please follow the online installation
-instructions for `Debian
-<https://www.varnish-cache.org/installation/debian>`_ or `Ubuntu
+	cloud_debian
+	cloud_redhat
+	cloud_ubuntu
 Compiling Varnish from source
 If there are no binary packages available for your system, or if you
-want to compile Varnish from source for other reasons, follow these
-Download the appropriate release tarball, which you can find on
-https://varnish-cache.org/releases/ .
-Alternatively, if you want to hack on Varnish, you should clone our
-git repository by doing.
-      ``git clone https://github.com/varnishcache/varnish-cache``
-Build dependencies on Debian / Ubuntu
-..  grep-dctrl -n -sBuild-Depends -r ^ ../../../../varnish-cache-debian/control | tr -d '\n' | awk -F,\  '{ for (i = 0; ++i <= NF;) { sub (/ .*/, "", $i); print "* `" $i "`"; }}' | egrep -v '(debhelper)'
-In order to build Varnish from source you need a number of packages
-installed. On a Debian or Ubuntu system, use this command to install
-them (replace ``sudo apt-get install`` if needed)::
-    sudo apt-get install \
-	make \
-	automake \
-	autotools-dev \
-	libedit-dev \
-	libjemalloc-dev \
-	libncurses-dev \
-	libpcre3-dev \
-	libtool \
-	pkg-config \
-	python3-docutils \
-	python3-sphinx
-Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
-    sudo apt-get install graphviz
-Recommended, in particular if you plan on building custom vmods::
-    sudo apt-get install autoconf-archive
-Optionally, to pull from a repository::
-    sudo apt-get install git
-Build dependencies on Red Hat / CentOS
-.. gawk '/^BuildRequires/ {print "* `" $2 "`"}' ../../../redhat/varnish.spec | sort | uniq | egrep -v '(systemd)'
-To build Varnish on a Red Hat or CentOS system, this command should
-install required packages (replace ``sudo yum install`` if needed)::
-    sudo yum install \
-	make \
-	autoconf \
-	automake \
-	jemalloc-devel \
-	libedit-devel \
-	libtool \
-	ncurses-devel \
-	pcre-devel \
-	pkgconfig \
-	python3-docutils \
-	python3-sphinx
-Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
-    yum install graphviz
-Optionally, to pull from a repository::
-    yum install git
-.. XXX autoconf-archive ? is this any helpful on the notoriously
-   outdated Redhats?
-Build dependencies on a SmartOS Zone
-As of SmartOS pkgsrc 2017Q1, install the following packages::
-	pkgin in autoconf automake libedit libtool ncurses \
-		 pcre py27-sphinx python27 gmake gcc49 pkg-config
-Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
-	pkgin in graphviz
-Optionally, to pull from a repository::
-	pkgin in git
-Building on Solaris and other Solaris-ish OSes
-Building with gcc should be straight forward, as long as the above
-requirements are installed.
-By convention, consider installing Varnish under `/opt/local` using::
-	./configure \
-	        --prefix=/opt/local \
-	        --mandir=/opt/local/man
-Alternatively, building with Solaris Studio 12.4 should work
-considering the following recommendations:
-* have GNU `nm` in `$PATH` before Solaris `nm`
-* Provide compiler flags for `configure` to include paths under which
-  dependencies are installed. Example for `/opt/local`::
-	./configure \
-	        --prefix=/opt/local \
-	        --mandir=/opt/local/man \
-	        CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" \
-	        CFLAGS="-m64" \
-	        LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -R/opt/local/lib"
-Compiling Varnish
-The configuration will need the dependencies above satisfied. Once that is
-taken care of::
-	cd varnish-cache
-	sh autogen.sh
-	sh configure
-	make
-The `configure` script takes some arguments, but more likely than not you can
-forget about that for now, almost everything in Varnish can be tweaked with run
-time parameters.
-Before you install, you may want to run the test suite, make a cup of
-tea while it runs, it usually takes a couple of minutes::
-	make check
-Don't worry if one or two tests fail. Some of the tests are a
-bit too timing sensitive (Please tell us which so we can fix them).
-However, if a lot of them fail, and in particular if the `b00000.vtc` test
-fails, something is horribly wrong. You will get nowhere without
-figuring this one out.
+want to compile Varnish from source for other reasons:
-And finally, the true test of a brave heart: ``sudo make install``
+.. toctree::
+	:maxdepth: 2
-Varnish will now be installed in ``/usr/local``. The ``varnishd`` binary is in
-`/usr/local/sbin/varnishd`. To make sure that the necessary links and caches
-of the most recent shared libraries are found, run ``sudo ldconfig``.
+	install_source
 Next steps
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/install_debian.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_debian.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4647ceed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_debian.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+.. _install-debian:
+Installing on Debian/Ubuntu
+From package
+	sudo apt-get install varnish
+Official packages of 6
+Starting from Varnish Cache 5.0, we've simplified our packaging down to two:
+the main package and a development package.
+The official Varnish Cache repository is now hosted at Packagecloud.io.
+Note that while Packagecloud.io provides Bash Script installs, we recommend
+using the manual installation procedures.
+Instructions for installing the official repository which contains the newest 
+Varnish Cache 6 release are available at:
+* https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish60lts/install#manual-deb
+With the release of 6.0.2, users have to switch to switch repositories to get
+the latest version.
+Read more about this on `Release 6.0.2 </releases/rel6.0.2>`_.
+Official packages of 4.1
+To use Varnish Cache 4.1 packages from the official varnish-cache.org repos,
+follow the instructions available at:
+* https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish41/install#manual-deb
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/install_freebsd.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_freebsd.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76cef4389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_freebsd.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.. _install-freebsd:
+Installing on FreeBSD
+From package
+FreeBSD offers two versions of Varnish pre-packaged::
+	pkg install varnish6
+or, if for some reason you want the older version::
+	pkg install varnish4
+From ports
+The FreeBSD packages are built out of the "ports" tree, and you can
+install varnish directly from ports if you prefer, for instance to
+get a newer version of Varnish than the current set of prebuilt
+packages provide::
+	cd /usr/ports/www/varnish6
+	make all install clean
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/install_redhat.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_redhat.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..235d4d734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_redhat.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. _install-redhat:
+Installing on RedHat or CentOS
+Varnish is included in the `EPEL
+<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL>`_ repository, however due to
+incompatible syntax changes in newer versions of Varnish, only older
+versions are available.
+We therefore recommend that you install the latest version directly from our repository, as described above.
+Varnish Cache is packaged in RPMs for easy installation and upgrade on Red Hat
+systems. The Varnish Cache project maintains official packages for the current
+Enterprise Linux versions. Varnish Cache 4.1 and 5.x are supported on EL6 and EL7.
+We try to keep the latest version available as prebuilt RPMs (el5 and el6)
+on `packagecloud.io/varnishcache <https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/>`_.
+Official packages of 6
+Starting from Varnish Cache 5.0, we've simplified our packaging down to two:
+the main package and a development package.
+The official Varnish Cache repository is now hosted at Packagecloud.io.
+Note that while Packagecloud.io provides Bash Script installs, we recommend
+using the manual installation procedures.
+Instructions for installing the official repository which contains the newest 
+Varnish Cache 6 release are available at:
+* https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish60lts/install#manual-rpm
+With the release of 6.0.2, users have to switch to switch repositories to get
+the latest version.
+Read more about this on `Release 6.0.2 </releases/rel6.0.2>`_.
+Official packages of 4.1
+To use Varnish Cache 4.1 packages from the official varnish-cache.org repos,
+follow the instructions available at:
+* https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache/varnish41/install#manual-rpm
+External packaging
+Varnish Cache is also distributed in third party package repositories.
+.. _`Fedora EPEL`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
+* `Fedora EPEL`_ does community packaging of Varnish Cache.
+* RedHat has packaged versions of Varnish Cache available since Software Collections 2.1. Announcement on <http://developers.redhat.com/blog/2015/11/17/software-collections-2-1-generally-available/>.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/installation/install_source.rst b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_source.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9a95cc14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/installation/install_source.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+.. _install-src:
+Compiling Varnish from source
+If there are no binary packages available for your system, or if you
+want to compile Varnish from source for other reasons, follow these
+Getting hold of the source
+Download the appropriate release tarball, which you can find on
+https://varnish-cache.org/releases/ .
+Alternatively, if you want to hack on Varnish, you should clone our
+git repository by doing.
+      ``git clone https://github.com/varnishcache/varnish-cache``
+Build dependencies on FreeBSD
+To get the dependencies required to build varnish from source
+you can either::
+	pkg install automake pkgconf py36-sphinx py36-docutils pcre libtool
+And optionally, to be able to run all the testcases::
+	pkg install haproxy nghttp2 vttest
+Or if you want the built from sources::
+	cd /usr/ports/www/varnish6
+	make depends clean
+Build dependencies on Debian / Ubuntu
+..  grep-dctrl -n -sBuild-Depends -r ^ ../../../../varnish-cache-debian/control | tr -d '\n' | awk -F,\  '{ for (i = 0; ++i <= NF;) { sub (/ .*/, "", $i); print "* `" $i "`"; }}' | egrep -v '(debhelper)'
+In order to build Varnish from source you need a number of packages
+installed. On a Debian or Ubuntu system, use this command to install
+them (replace ``sudo apt-get install`` if needed)::
+    sudo apt-get install \
+	make \
+	automake \
+	autotools-dev \
+	libedit-dev \
+	libjemalloc-dev \
+	libncurses-dev \
+	libpcre3-dev \
+	libtool \
+	pkg-config \
+	python3-docutils \
+	python3-sphinx
+Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
+    sudo apt-get install graphviz
+Recommended, in particular if you plan on building custom vmods::
+    sudo apt-get install autoconf-archive
+Optionally, to pull from a repository::
+    sudo apt-get install git
+Build dependencies on Red Hat / CentOS
+.. gawk '/^BuildRequires/ {print "* `" $2 "`"}' ../../../redhat/varnish.spec | sort | uniq | egrep -v '(systemd)'
+To build Varnish on a Red Hat or CentOS system, this command should
+install required packages (replace ``sudo yum install`` if needed)::
+    sudo yum install \
+	make \
+	autoconf \
+	automake \
+	jemalloc-devel \
+	libedit-devel \
+	libtool \
+	ncurses-devel \
+	pcre-devel \
+	pkgconfig \
+	python3-docutils \
+	python3-sphinx
+Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
+    yum install graphviz
+Optionally, to pull from a repository::
+    yum install git
+.. XXX autoconf-archive ? is this any helpful on the notoriously
+   outdated Redhats?
+Build dependencies on a SmartOS Zone
+As of SmartOS pkgsrc 2017Q1, install the following packages::
+	pkgin in autoconf automake libedit libtool ncurses \
+		 pcre py27-sphinx python27 gmake gcc49 pkg-config
+Optionally, to rebuild the svg files::
+	pkgin in graphviz
+Optionally, to pull from a repository::
+	pkgin in git
+Building on Solaris and other Solaris-ish OSes
+Building with gcc should be straight forward, as long as the above
+requirements are installed.
+By convention, consider installing Varnish under `/opt/local` using::
+	./configure \
+	        --prefix=/opt/local \
+	        --mandir=/opt/local/man
+Alternatively, building with Solaris Studio 12.4 should work
+considering the following recommendations:
+* have GNU `nm` in `$PATH` before Solaris `nm`
+* Provide compiler flags for `configure` to include paths under which
+  dependencies are installed. Example for `/opt/local`::
+	./configure \
+	        --prefix=/opt/local \
+	        --mandir=/opt/local/man \
+	        CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" \
+	        CFLAGS="-m64" \
+	        LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -R/opt/local/lib"
+Compiling Varnish
+The configuration will need the dependencies above satisfied. Once that is
+taken care of::
+	cd varnish-cache
+	sh autogen.sh
+	sh configure
+	make
+The `configure` script takes some arguments, but more likely than not you can
+forget about that for now, almost everything in Varnish can be tweaked with run
+time parameters.
+Before you install, you may want to run the test suite, make a cup of
+tea while it runs, it usually takes a couple of minutes::
+	make check
+Don't worry if one or two tests fail. Some of the tests are a
+bit too timing sensitive (Please tell us which so we can fix them).
+However, if a lot of them fail, and in particular if the `b00000.vtc` test
+fails, something is horribly wrong. You will get nowhere without
+figuring this one out.
+And finally, the true test of a brave heart: ``sudo make install``
+Varnish will now be installed in ``/usr/local``. The ``varnishd`` binary is in
+`/usr/local/sbin/varnishd`. To make sure that the necessary links and caches
+of the most recent shared libraries are found, run ``sudo ldconfig``.

More information about the varnish-commit mailing list