[master] 27bed0edc Teach struct padding to vtc.typesize()

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi.boukelmoune at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 21:14:09 UTC 2019

commit 27bed0edcb190aca32ea50b47b2c08305c1b282c
Author: Dridi Boukelmoune <dridi.boukelmoune at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 13 21:58:04 2019 +0100

    Teach struct padding to vtc.typesize()
    And start adding some coverage, certainly not exhaustive.

diff --git a/bin/varnishtest/tests/m00000.vtc b/bin/varnishtest/tests/m00000.vtc
index a62ff527b..a60147dde 100644
--- a/bin/varnishtest/tests/m00000.vtc
+++ b/bin/varnishtest/tests/m00000.vtc
@@ -143,3 +143,124 @@ varnish v1 -errvcl {Failed initialization} {
 		new shp = directors.shard_param();
+varnish v1 -cliok "param.set vcc_allow_inline_c on"
+varnish v1 -vcl {
+	import std;
+	import vtc;
+	backend be none;
+	C{
+		struct empty { };
+		struct zc {
+			size_t	z;
+			char	c;
+		};
+		struct ic {
+			int	i;
+			char	c;
+		};
+		struct sc {
+			short	s;
+			char	c;
+		};
+		struct cc {
+			char	c1;
+			char	c2;
+		};
+		struct czc {
+			char	c1;
+			size_t	z;
+			char	c2;
+		};
+		struct cic {
+			char	c1;
+			int	i;
+			char	c2;
+		};
+		struct csc {
+			char	c1;
+			short	s;
+			char	c2;
+		};
+		struct uzp { /* same as vrt_blob */
+			unsigned	u;
+			size_t		z;
+			void		*p;
+		};
+		#define SETHDR(type)					\
+			VRT_SetHdr(ctx,					\
+			    &VGC_HDR_RESP_ ## type ## _2d_sizeof,	\
+			    VRT_INT_string(ctx, sizeof(struct type)),	\
+			    vrt_magic_string_end)
+	}C
+	sub vcl_recv {
+		return (synth(200));
+	}
+	sub vcl_synth {
+		C{ SETHDR(empty); }C
+		set resp.http.empty-typesize = vtc.typesize("");
+		set resp.http.empty-match =
+		    (resp.http.empty-sizeof == resp.http.empty-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(zc); }C
+		set resp.http.zc-typesize = vtc.typesize("zc");
+		set resp.http.zc-match =
+		    (resp.http.zc-sizeof == resp.http.zc-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(ic); }C
+		set resp.http.ic-typesize = vtc.typesize("ic");
+		set resp.http.ic-match =
+		    (resp.http.ic-sizeof == resp.http.ic-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(sc); }C
+		set resp.http.sc-typesize = vtc.typesize("sc");
+		set resp.http.sc-match =
+		    (resp.http.sc-sizeof == resp.http.sc-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(cc); }C
+		set resp.http.cc-typesize = vtc.typesize("cc");
+		set resp.http.cc-match =
+		    (resp.http.cc-sizeof == resp.http.cc-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(czc); }C
+		set resp.http.czc-typesize = vtc.typesize("czc");
+		set resp.http.czc-match =
+		    (resp.http.czc-sizeof == resp.http.czc-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(cic); }C
+		set resp.http.cic-typesize = vtc.typesize("cic");
+		set resp.http.cic-match =
+		    (resp.http.cic-sizeof == resp.http.cic-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(csc); }C
+		set resp.http.csc-typesize = vtc.typesize("csc");
+		set resp.http.csc-match =
+		    (resp.http.csc-sizeof == resp.http.csc-typesize);
+		C{ SETHDR(uzp); }C
+		set resp.http.uzp-typesize = vtc.typesize("uzp");
+		set resp.http.uzp-match =
+		    (resp.http.uzp-sizeof == resp.http.uzp-typesize);
+	}
+client c1 {
+	txreq
+	rxresp
+	expect resp.http.empty-match == true
+	expect resp.http.zc-match == true
+	expect resp.http.ic-match == true
+	expect resp.http.sc-match == true
+	expect resp.http.cc-match == true
+	expect resp.http.czc-match == true
+	expect resp.http.cic-match == true
+	expect resp.http.csc-match == true
+	expect resp.http.uzp-match == true
+} -run
diff --git a/lib/libvmod_vtc/vmod_vtc.c b/lib/libvmod_vtc/vmod_vtc.c
index 9b382a6c0..51a279d27 100644
--- a/lib/libvmod_vtc/vmod_vtc.c
+++ b/lib/libvmod_vtc/vmod_vtc.c
@@ -267,14 +267,15 @@ vmod_workspace_dump(VRT_CTX, VCL_ENUM which, VCL_ENUM where,
 VCL_INT v_matchproto_(td_vtc_typesize)
 vmod_typesize(VRT_CTX, VCL_STRING s)
-	size_t i = 0, l, a;
-	const char *p;
+	size_t i = 0, l, a, p = 0;
+	AN(s);
-	for (p = s; *p; p++) {
-		switch (*p) {
+	for (; *s; s++) {
+		switch (*s) {
 #define VTC_TYPESIZE(c, t) case c: l = sizeof(t); break;
+		VTC_TYPESIZE('c', char)
 		VTC_TYPESIZE('d', double)
 		VTC_TYPESIZE('f', float)
 		VTC_TYPESIZE('i', int)
@@ -288,10 +289,17 @@ vmod_typesize(VRT_CTX, VCL_STRING s)
 		default:	return (-1);
+		if (l > p)
+			p = l;
 		a = i % l;
 		if (a != 0)
-			i += (l - a);
+			i += (l - a); /* align */
 		i += l;
+	if (i > 0) {
+		a = i % p;
+		if (a != 0)
+			i += (p - a); /* pad */
+	}
 	return ((VCL_INT)i);

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