[master] 4fe881852 Stabilize s10, again

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at varni.sh
Mon Jan 27 17:40:28 UTC 2020

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 4:56 PM Nils Goroll <nils.goroll at uplex.de> wrote:
> Hi Dridi,
> we're still failing quite consistently on one of the vtest boxes. Would you like
> to have another look?

We are back to the previous state before those timeouts were exposed
to VCL: less than 50% of failure for arm64 FreeBSD on VTEST, and (I
believe) a 100% success rate on other platforms that don't skip the
test case.

So until I have some arm64 hardware to run FreeBSD on (I'm not sure my
boards can) there's no way for me to dig deeper. Please note that my
own VTEST box runs on aarch64 hardware, a fancy label for arm64. I
have a spare board on which I could try to install FreeBSD but I'm
pretty sure it's not supported, and don't have time for such an


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