[6.0] e0691b85e [cci] add centos:8 and ubuntu:focal

Guillaume Quintard guillaume at varnish-software.com
Mon Oct 26 17:43:09 UTC 2020

commit e0691b85eb5afced50d965164f03dd32759b61c8
Author: Guillaume Quintard <guillaume at varnish-software.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 26 08:45:13 2020 -0700

    [cci] add centos:8 and ubuntu:focal

diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index 2efe13d56..726d789db 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -269,6 +269,22 @@ workflows:
             - dist
       - dist
       - tar_pkg_tools
+      - package:
+          name: aarch64-ubuntu-focal
+          dist: ubuntu
+          release: focal
+          arch: aarch64
+          image: arm64v8/ubuntu:focal
+          ext: deb
+          <<: *pkg_req
+      - package:
+          name: x64-ubuntu-focal
+          dist: ubuntu
+          release: focal
+          arch: x64
+          image: ubuntu:focal
+          ext: deb
+          <<: *pkg_req
       - package:
           name: aarch64-ubuntu-bionic
           dist: ubuntu
@@ -333,6 +349,22 @@ workflows:
           image: debian:stretch-slim
           ext: deb
           <<: *pkg_req
+      - package:
+          name: aarch64-centos-8
+          dist: centos
+          release: "8"
+          arch: aarch64
+          image: arm64v8/centos:8
+          ext: rpm
+          <<: *pkg_req
+      - package:
+          name: x64-centos-8
+          dist: centos
+          release: "8"
+          arch: x64
+          image: centos:8
+          ext: rpm
+          <<: *pkg_req
       - package:
           name: aarch64-centos-7
           dist: centos
@@ -355,9 +387,13 @@ workflows:
             - aarch64-ubuntu-xenial
             - x64-ubuntu-bionic
             - aarch64-ubuntu-bionic
+            - x64-ubuntu-focal
+            - aarch64-ubuntu-focal
             - x64-debian-stretch
             - aarch64-debian-stretch
             - x64-debian-buster
             - aarch64-debian-buster
+            - x64-centos-8
+            - aarch64-centos-8
             - x64-centos-7
             - aarch64-centos-7

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